Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

Y THE FIRST BOOKE OF THE SECOND PART OF THE ChriliianWarrefare, containing diuers arguments, whereby wee may be armed ágainfi the tentations of profperitie, and perfwaded to contemne worldly vanities, in comparifon of Godslpirituall graces and heauenlyioyes. CHAP. I. Of the 3borld, the fecond enemie ofourfaluatien, andWhat it Here is none (hall be thought fit to 4,Seíi,Ia raigne with Iefus Chria in the Tbat thereit kingdom of heauen,but thofe who none crowned, haue bin conquerors here on earth; butöe uercome thatdotk e not offome final! countrey orpetite A , poc.3.zr< kingdome,for that great glorie fhal neuer be the crowne of fo tneane a viorie;nor (like A/exander)ofthe greatcfl part of the earths knowne territories; for fo a man may attaine to the height of this glorie, and yet remaine a flaue to his owne paffions and ambitious _ Sufis, and be avaf- fall after his vi &orie to that which he feemeth to haue ouer- come. Buthe who willraigne with Ch if+,muff conquer the whole world, not with the fword and arme offlefh, but 510114.4 with the fpirit ofGod,and the flick' offaith, whereby hee repelleth all the tentations thereof; both the charming al- lurementswhereby hee might be infeebled, and the fierie darts of afilicion and perfecution,whereby hee might bee difcouragcd.;