Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

Ofthe merld,and what it it. S feeke to diaharten and hinder them in the way ofgodlines, as troubles,affliélions,and perfecutions. And fometime both thefc are ioyned together, in which fenfe the Apofile Paul faith,that he was crucified to the world, Ga1.6.4, and thewerld to him;where by world he vnderflandeth what - foeuer in the world,whether men or other creatures, are op- pofed to the kingdome of Chrifi, all which were as little va. Teed by this holy Apoflle, as a crucified or dead man dice- meth of the things of the lining. And fo the Apolile Won ioyneth them, though not in the fame word,yet in the fame lentence, I.Ioh.2.15.Loue not the world, nor the things of the world. And thus wee will take the world in this difcourfè; vnderflanding thereby a hatfoeuer in the lborld,eirherin it own enature,or through abufe, allureth vs to the /entice of'inne and Satan, or d: fcourageth and hindreth vs in the feriiice of God,and the meaner ofour orvuefalxation;'bhether irbe wicked men, or the creatures abufed by Satan and our corruption, as oecalion: and motiues veto mill. Or more briefly th us: Whatfoeuer in the world is the in/lrument ofthe dixell,t o draw vs veto finne. Whereby it appeareth that wee arc not to oppofe againll, §se,<t 4, as our enemies, and to purfue with our hatred, wicked men Howwicked in the world abfolutely, or as they are men,but refpeóliuely worid[;ngi are as they are wicked, and hating their finne we may,yea wee tOe hated. . ought to loue-their pecfons,as being the creatures ofGod in cum hominibur reípe6l ofrheir eflènce,who haue its them (how wicked foe- pacem hab,bis, uer)fome good n aturali parts, and common gifts of the fpi. bSUü cum vitÿs. rit,which precious pearles are to be valued euen when they are found in thele filthie dunghils. And as our hatred ought not tobe generali and abfolute in refpcét of the obiea,fo in refpei5l ofthe quality it fhould not be deadly and malicious, but it muff bee mixed and fweetned with compalfìon and commiferation, yea with forrow ofheart,that they are no better, and with a desire of their conuerfion and amend - ment, that fo emnitie ceafing, they might become worthie ofour lone. Our hatred mull (like our Sauiour Chrifts an- Mark..3:5. ger)be ioyned with holy mourning,becaufe their hearts are fo hardned in finne;and though we are to efleeme them ene- mies, yet our eyes (like Dauids) mull gufo out with tiners orPfaLiz9136.. D, 3 water:,