Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

6 Of the mahgnitie of the world. waters,becau(e they haue net kept Gods lam. The like an may be laid ofall other creatures in the world, abufed by Satan and his wicked imps, as baits to allure vs vnto finne; which are to be contemned and loathed, not in their owne nature, but in refpeél of the abufe only, as afterwards shall ap_ peare. CHAP. IL Of :be nature and gnalitie ofoser enetnie the world.. .Se,r. Nd thus haue I !hewed what the world is,and as That the world n it were haue tingled our enemies out of the corn- is eKiGandwit- C panic ofour friends; left our loueofthcfefhould kedinit fe/fr, _ flacken and abate our zealous courage in oppo- yeeldingobe- fins again(f our mortali foes; or our hatred ofthofe fhould thence to Satan, make vs to diflike and hate our wet -del ruing friends.In the as the prince next place we will confider of the nature and qualifie ofour thereof; encmie; and then thew his weapons and forces which hee vfeth in this fight, that fo wee may know thebetter how to auoid his furie,and to armeour fclties againi the encounter. And for the (leering of the former wee will briefly thew what the world is in it felfe,and then refpeéliuely what it is to vs. In it felfe,the Scripture faith ofit,that it is euill,yea fo Gal.r 4. euill,that Chrifl lefns fpared not to giue his owne mofl pre - cious. blood, todeliuerhis feruants out of this fpirituall E- gypt :and left wee fhould thinke that this euill bath but a little taintedit, or that it is corrupted but in part only, the :.Iob 5.19. Apoffle lohn telleth vs, that the whole world lieth in wic- kednes,not a little fprinkled or dipped,but Courted and funk into a deepe and bottomlelie guile oflinne.The which will. more ,manifeflly appease if wee confider that this wicked world,like a rebellious traitor, hath denied and refufed to haue the Lord and great Creator of heauen and earth for his Soueraigne and King, and will not yeeld any obedience vnto his lawes and commandements, but contemneth his promifes and rewards, as alto his threatnings and punifh- ments..Andcontrariwifc hash ubmitted himfelfc co Sarart as