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Ofthemalignitieof the nvrld. 7 as his prince and gouernour, yeeiding obedience vnto his will,and fubiedïing himfelfe to be ruled by the law of finue, for the wages of worldly vanities, as pleafures, profits,and preferments. Whereof it is that in the Scriptures the diuell is called then prince of the world,and the b goucrnour ther- . ioh.r 5.35. of; not bccaufe he is indeed the ruler and gouernour of hea- and 16.1r. uen and earth, to diCpofe of all at his pleafirre ( for this is EPEhpchfef . 6:. Gods royal! prerogatiuc,whofe flaue and vaffal! Satan is,and r a. Ephe(.z.z. forced to doe his will when he moll oppofeth it)but becaufe he ruleth in the children of difobedience,hautng them al- waits c readie as his denoted bondflaues to do his will :who ° z.3 ím.z,a6. are called the world,becaufe they let their hearts and affe- Eiions vpon it; it being the nature of loue to transforme as much as may be the louer into the nature of the thing belo- ued,and fo to denominate the one according to the name of the other. Yea he not only as a -king ruleth their outward aeiions, but alto in their hearts and confciences, caufing them to yeeld voto him free, willing and abfolute obe- dience : and therefore he is alto called the god oftbe world, 2..Cor.4.4. who with his mitts of falfehood blindeth the eyes of infi- dels and worldings, fo as theycannot fee his vghe ñíthiues and palpablelies, nor the diuine puritie and excellencie of their Creator,and the glorious light of his truth. And as the world yeeldeth this fubic6iion vnto Satan as 4.Seii.2. his king and foueraignc,fo an it maketh choice of him for That the wild hiscaptaine and chicle commander, receiuing his coloursk4f trrhvneer and cognizance,marching vnder his condu6,and fighting Gadn °g°,rR vnder his fianderd with like inveterate malice,both again(} God himfelfe, and all his Church and children. Againfi God the world oppofeth with fuch deadly and implicable hatred, that it is impofiible for any to a adhere unto the a r.Toh.z.15. world, but bee mutt neceffarily be diuided from God;nor b ferue it, but hee mull negicól and difobey the Lord; nor b Matth.6.24. c loue it,but God and hemutibeatemnitie.Neither doch lanai 44. it onely oppofe againfl the diuine nature, but alloagainft curry perfon of the Deitie; it rebelleth again(! God the Father and Creator,by refuting to ferue him as his creature, but concrariwife difobcyeth his will, and defperately trie- g 4 dieth
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