Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

8 That theworld ;samaß dangerous anemia. ûeth all his commandements, yeelding voluntarie obedí_ áloh.r.rr. ence to his arch - enemie the diuell; it d receiueth not the Sonne Iefus Chria as it Saukourand Redeemer,but treadeth vnder fooee his precious blood,and maketh but a mocke of Ieh.i4.17. all his fiifíerings, neither doth it a receiue the holy Ghofl the fanólifiet;but checketh all his motions,anc ,fcornethall his fanólifying and fauing graces, preferring before them worldly toyes and bale vanities of no value.Needs therefore mull the world be exceeding wicked, which fubmitteth it Idle to bee ruled and guided by that wicked one Satan; needs mull it be outragioufly euill,which purpofely and nia- litiouflyoppofeth it fclfe againfi God the author and fain. tame of all goodneffe.. §;Sell, 3, And thus we fee what our enemie is in himfelfe:now to That the world vs he is exceeding dangerous;for he is fo malitioufly fubtile, i,a mo(l daage- fo treacheroufly cruell, and armed with fuch forces and poi: roascousit. suer, that vnleffe theChriflian man be well fitted with the fpirituall armour, and mightily t+rengthened and defended with the fpirit ofGod, hceis Cure either to beevanquif aed and ouercome,or elfe to receiue fhamefall foyles. This dam ¡Wanda; ergoell ger is by one thus defcribed : There (faith be) is the world, v.5t mantle plu- where at there is muchmalice, little wifedome, where.all thing: rimum,vbi(a- are lemie and catching, all things flimie and ßipperie, all things pientia modi. cowered with darkneT, and 6e f t with fnares; where foules are ea mea :endangered and bodies a elled, *here all is venitie and affi. Bernard.. Ilion ofjpirit. Anotherfaith,thatthew,rldecpitch,whichde.. Wog° nloslae, flesh thole who came neere it . web the leaf touch is bird. de (cienrlb en leme,whtch intangleth his admirers with fin andeterna /l death; ritn.fol.i8. it is a fnare,which ibith his pleafoeresand riches, as it were offe- red baits,allureth and catcheth vnrearie men,and drawer's them with it into the net ofdef rtllion : and therefore impoJble it feemeth to meth et hee who liteeth according to thelanes of the world,Jhould page array hence pureand undefiled from thefilth of the world. Inrefpe& of which danger the world is fitly compared to a perillous lea, in which howfoeuer fume cfeape (hipwrack,yet none elcapeth danger. For with vaine hopes as with a profperous gale ofwinde,men are allured to boyfe vp the falles of their defires, and to enter into this pe. rillous