Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

not the world is a moltdangerous enemie. z'3 enemie the diuell placeth in them his chicle confidence for the obtaining ofviaorie. But no little arc there forces flrengthencd for our over- §.Set7.7. throw, through the aide and helpe which our owne cor - (Thee:: it js ad- rupt flefh minillreth vnto them. For as the world is Satans eal the wildfire,wherew ith he in flameth vs ; fo our fl dh is the tin - de o, ldr eones der which receiueth and nourifheth this fire,as foone as it is through our call into it; and fuch a neere league of friendfhip there is corruption. betweene our fit fh and worldly vanities, that Satan can be nomore readie to offer, then it to receiue this wages of fin : whereof it commeth to paffe, that when by the word of God,or the motion of his holy fpirit, we thiuke vpon thefe earthly vanities, that wee may learne the better to flee and contemne them, they flicketo our fingers when wee would throw them away, they catch vs when we would flee from them; and being infnared with thefe worldly lime - twigs, (like the fillie bird) the morewee ílruggle to get out, the more weare intangled and difabled. So that it fareth with vs as with the foolifhlouer,who fondly louing,but yet wor- thily difliking.hisill- deferuing mifireffe, groweth to a fee - ming refolution to forfake her companie, and armeth him - felfe with many forcible arguments to ftrengthen him in his purpofe; butat the next meeting he is fo allured with her lookes,and fo bewitched with the leafl apparance ofa prof - fered.fauour,that he doteth on her againe with more won- tedfondues. The reafon hereofis,becaufe it is as natmall for our corrupt flefh to loue the.wotld, as for the look youth to loue the cunning harlot, for the water to runne downe the hill,the fretoafcendvpward, or for the tender hearted mo- ther to loue her deare bought and onlybabe.So that it deth noarguments toperfwade vs to imbrace his finlull va- nities,foronly the fight of them is fuffiicicnt to allure wit= own affeôtions more violently drawing vs, then the inticing eloquence and well framed reafons. of -the bei perfwading Oratour. Pea. But ifwee would have yeta more plaine and euen palpa power o /rhr ble demonllration of the great power and puffance ofthts world Pored by our enemic,let w propound the experience of former times, the experience and offorracrOar; -.