Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

r 4 'That the world/54f mö!i alangerotee ettemie, and ofour owne daies, and take a view ofthofe trophies of viaorie, which the world bath erected in all ages for the eternizing ofhis owne glorie; and you fhall finde that the greatef{ Potentates of the earth, the great Commanders of conquering armies, they who haue moll excelled in wife- dome and policie,in power and fortitude,in temperance and in all other ciuill and morall verrues, haue after all theirvi- êories,bin vanquifhed by the world,fettered in the chaines ofhis vaniti'es,tied to histriumphant chariot;offcring them - felnes euen after they haue fubdued thegreatefl part of the earth, to become the worlds {lanes and fvorne vaffals, for the bate and contemptible wages,either of windie honors, Vncertaine riches,or carnal( pleafures. Neither bath this but the cafe of the worlds denoted feruants onely,but of the floicall contemners of the world, who hauing cafl downe the gauntlet of defiance, and as it were challenged to fight with it in fingle combat ; haue at vnawares receiued fogies, in the very time of challenge, with their owne weapons, af- feeling the praife of the world by their difpraifes of it, and being tickled with vaine plcafure, whiled they haue declai- med agztinfl the vanitie of pleafures; and when as by the waight of their arguments they }lane ouercome their epi- curifh aduerfaries,'theirifelues haue been ouercome with pleafure no leffe vain and carnali, although more fubtile and refined.Yea this pouffant eneinie hath not only conque= red the heathen multitude, and ruled amongll them as an vniuerfall Monarch,(for if this were all,his power were not fo terrible, feeing theyvvanted-a Captaine to guide them, fpirituall eyes to dire &them,and the fluield of faith which might beate backe the force of the worlds furies) but not contented with his bwne territories and dominions, he bath made fearefull inrodes euen into the holy land , and bath fought many fierce battels in the middefl of Gods vifiblrinonarchie,`vanquifhing lone of6ods profefled feruants through their owne treacherie or cowardiz.e,and leading them captiueto doe his will ; foiling Many of his great Worthies, through their fecure negligence; and finally murtheringand killing(thoughnpt ouercomrning) others