Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
T hat the irorldit a mo,7 daagerow enemie. Iv othets,who refitted his furie and would not yeeld.In the forma ranke was Sanl,whom of Gods eleeted and anoin- ted king,hc ruade hjs owne denoted vafhall; Abfalon,who a ofthe forme ofa holy and religious king,he made with the baize of honour a bloodthirfcie rebell, and (it is to be lea- red)the Tonne of perdition ;Dona:, who o.fa difciple be- came an apoftate; and ludas,who being hired with the wa- ges of iniquitie,ofan Apoflebecame a dinell. In the fecond was iu(t Noah foiled with intemperance, righteous Lot de- filed with filthie incelt;the tenne Patriarkes,fome of which were ouercome with lußr,fome Rained with blood,and all ouerborne with pride and bitter enuie; holy Daeid,fir1t de- filed with lufl,and then embrued %kith innocent blood, the feare ofGod fora time being beaten back with the feare of loíing his credit in the world: religious Ezechias fwolne with a cruell blow ofvaingloric which the world gane him, through his great conceit of his riches and treafures; a difeafe much more dangerous then that (welling fore, of which through the mercie ofGod he had recoucred. And to thefe we might adde the throng Sampfan,and the wife Sa- lomon,whom the world ouercame by his female forces; and the Difciples themfelues,enuying one anothers greatneffe, and contending for fuperioritie there, where the meaner inferiour is much more glorious then the earths greateft Monarch. In the tail march that armie ofglorious Martyrs, again(t whom the world raged with barbarous crueltie, and fo farce prevailed in the Ci ht,that hee foiled, yea mur- thered their bodies,though hee could not hurt their foules, they being inuincible and immortall. But leaning former ages, let vs come vnto our owne, ß,Sec` .g. where we may obferue a world ofvicaories,which the world The power of hath.through his force and.eunning obtained,euen in there the m rtd fhay. latter times,which are toll frefh in our memories and daily ednie h e,I Pe fubiedt to our view. And to fay nothing of the barbarous pnfent timer. Heathen and wilde Indians, who fcarce acknowledge any other mallet (vnleffe it bee the prince of the world) nor ex- peét any other wages but what is paid vetothem out Of the worlds exchequer ;to paffeby the Tulles and Saracens, the w orli?s
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