Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

That worldly things withdraw men from Gods rerstier, 699 rie, and blood-thirtlie crueltie, that Kings and Princes cannot with fafetie to their perlons and llates,come into common af- femblies; in which refpedis, necefñtie and charitie may well difpence with cicumtlances andceremonies: yeti can fee no reafon,why Nobilitie thouid pleade this priuiledge of exemp- tion,or for (late feuerthemfelues from the publicke congrega- tion,aad affembliesofGods Saints, efpecially, feting it is veto themfrlues fo hurtfùll and pernicious.Again,thefe worldly ho- nours immoderately lourd and e(feemcd,dopuffe men vp with pride,the tahieb hindreth them from profiting by the miniflery of theword, though they fhauld hcare it ; and that both as it mooueth them to skorne the limplicìtie of the Gofpell, and the foolifhneffe ofpreaching, as theApofile fpeaking in their Ian- guage callcth it,and to conremne the miniterie of the word, though neuer fo powerful!, if it be not fauced with worldly wifdome,humane eloquence, and pleating conceits of wit, to refreth and (line vp their cloied appetites; and allo as it caufeth diem proudly to pull backetheir necks from the yoke offubie- c`fion,and holy obedience;refuting to be ruled by the fcepter of Gods word,and putting back all admonitions and reproofes,as though it would not (land with their honors to humble them- feluesbefore God, or to floope unto his rebukes. An example whereofwe haue in Drotrephes, who wouldnot receiue the A- poflle (ohn,nor his dotlrin,becaufe being puffed vp with pride, Ioh.Epift.3. he lotted his owne preheminence. In regard whereofit is truly verfe9, faid,thatthefmoke of honour and vaine glory, clothlmother and choake the flame of pietie ; both as itblindeth mens ties, to as they cannot find theway to the publicke alfembles; and as it hindreth them from performing the duties of Gods ferutce with fruit and profit. The like alto may be Paid of riches,which Ardaa> yet di" commonly hinder thole who fer their heartsvpon them, from oyibasnontra. performing either pritiate or publick feruice veto God,whoil daem e d. taking men vp in bulincfl'es & implointents,fo as they haue no ceria,ege leifure to exercife themfelues in thefe religious duties: or as Namam. they diffraEl and interrupt them, when they prefent themfelues. Martial.Epi. before God to heare his word,orto calvpon his name;in which Mahl rcfpe&,our Saul our compareth the to thornes,which choak the ; feed of the word,& make it fruitles.And thus alto pleafures im- moderately loued,work the fame effeóls, cattng men to fpend that: ei 1