Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Hofes 7.y. 700 That worldly thingscaufe many etas to our neighdourr, that time in carnaldelights,which is allotted to Godsworfhip and feruice; &euen on the Lords Sabbaths to forfake the com. munion of Saints, and the publike excrcifes ofreligion, that they may follow their recreations, (ports and paffimes: or if they get leave of thcfe tyrannous mailers to ioyne with the faithfull, after a formali manner to ferue God, yet it is onely with their bodies; for as for their mindsthey run a whoring af- ter their delights, either thinking of thofe which they lately enioyed; or elfe offome newpleafureswhich they purpofe to enioy in the time to come. And therefore feeing thcfc worldly vanities hinder vs from the performance of Gods feruice, if they bee immoderately loued and efleemed; let this ferue as ,another:effeeluall reafon to diffwade vs from letting our hearts upon them, feting they difable vs for thofe amine and chicle duties, for which we came into the world, and making vs vnfit to glorifie God in his faithful( feruice,which was the chicle end ofour creation, they taufe vs to (pend our lilies in vain e, in the fruitleffe feruice o fSatanand the world ; and fo making vs to negle& our feruice and dude to our great Lord and mailer, they alfo depriue vs of that wages which of hisfree grace hee hath promifed as the reward of our labours, euen ourheauenly inheritance, and the .eternall.crowne of glorie and falua- Lion. CHAP. XXXII. That worldly things immoderatly lowed, are thecaujes of many twils in rei elï ofour steighhotre as ofiriuiice, wrongs, pride, and infólencie. zNd thus haue I (hewed .that thefe worldly 1 as tngs ben > oueruauen our judgements, Th worldly at e t t ç 1 o, r- hia ib ld i ja things immode- and too much loued in our affc&lions,arc the rarely toned are caufes ofmany finnes committed dire&lya- thecrWteofa& H' gain(t God himfelfe. Now we are come to find of ìn- fpeake of thofe culls and mifchiefes which iuñice. they.caufe, both to our neighbours, and ourfelues. And firfl: for our neighbours, theft worldly things are the chiefe caufes . andoccafions of allìniudice,wrongs,and injuries which are of- fered'
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