Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
That worldly things wife many exile to our neighboar.t.. 7o3 fentence incline to that fide. So it is raid oldie Eons of Samuel, r.Saro.E.3. that they walked not in their fathers Waies, but turned after lucre, and looks retbards,andperuertediudgement.And thus corrupt Fe- lix hoped to receiue a bribe from. the Apo( }le Paul, but failing Aâ.t427. ófhis eicpeìation,he left him fill! in prifon, though he knew the Iewesrnalice,and his innocencie. This is the caufe ofthe fi- monie ofvnconfcionable Minifters and Patrons, of the extor- tion amongfi officers, of the preuarication of Lawyers, of the: oppreffion ofLandlords, ofvfurie, fraud, lying and (wearing, cofening and circumuenting, which are commonly vied be- tweene man and man. And were it not for this greedineffe of gaine,the Iodge would for the !not} part do iuoice,and execute righteous iudgement; Officers would be content with. com- mon fees; Lawyers would neither betray their clients caufe, nor rire them with delayes; Patrons would give their linings freely, and make choice ofthe worthiefi perforis, and fuch as befldeferueto be preferred: then would vfurie be banifhed, fraud and deceit be abhorred,fimplicitie and truth be entertai- ned and embraced. Lt a word, then fhould we haue another golden age, wherein all men would loue iuflice,mercie, boun- Wallom ¿fioffi . tie, vpright dealing, and all other commendable venues and ciumtamfaa- good parts ; whereas now through the immoderate loue ofne,guodñen1en- money, they arevtterlynegleótedofthegreateo number; andrraritInen fraud, crueltie, oppreffion and all manner ofiniu (tic eiscotn- 'minesereatgue mitted, and commonlypraélifed, when they will bring in any violarefoleat. gaine. And thus the Prophet ioyneth thefe together : from Cicer.Orar. the leaf'. of them (faith he) to thegreateff of them, euery one is 0. Per= tntio. Hen veto couetòuneff , and from the Prophet euen to the Prieff, they all dealtfalfe y. The which vniuflice and oppreffion they do not exercife againfl fome few, or orangers and enemies on- ly ; but againft all without exception, there being no bond fo neere which couetoufneffe will not brcake and violate ; no efiatc fo pitiful! and worthie ofcampatlìon, which they will not oppreffe for their owne aduantage. To which purpofeone Aut tNlïde or -- faith, that the couetoufbeffe of rich men is snfatiable; theyare bo Domini. alwaiesraking and neuer full, they neither feareGod,nor reue rence men; they (pare not their ovine father, noracknowledge their mother, nor regard their brother, nor keepe their fidelity to their friend. They oppreffe the: widow, and fpoile the father- lefte,
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