Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

7hdt worldly things cam fe vaaniy esil: to our aeighboxrr. 7e g which are committed by one man againft another: For not only doth the excel-fine loue of thefe earthly vanities make men to commit fome kinds oflegall iuiu(}ice, couered and coloured with fome fhew of right, or fome flightand to- lerable wrongs which greatly hurt not; but if men once let their hearts vpon them, they are the common caufes of the molt groffe and grieuous injuries raging crueltie, open vio- Iencc, treafon and bloodfhed, whereby they confume and deflroie one another. In which refpe& the world is compa- :bad quifque red to a lea, and worldly men to fiih,which deuour one ano- facirpatitur ; ther, the greater feeding vpon the Idle, and himfelfeagaineectil",Trcelut becomming the prey ofanother which is greater then hee.J,en,itur e.tess- Forthat which aman Both to one, bee fuffereth ofanother ; pionacens.Sc- wickednes rebounding vpon the author, and the oppreffor nec.íngerc. being oppreffed by that example which himfelf bath giucn. fugen. But this wil better appeare in the fpeciall inflances : and ñrff for honours; there is nothing more then they, being immo- deratelyloued, which wil thrufl men into all outragious and pernicious coures for the obtaining of them. For when the ambitious man wanceth true worth and lawful means to ad- uance himfelfinto ÿ feat ofhonor,hcis ready to make fleps, whereby he may afcend,ofany mifchiefe or villanie ;betray ing chofe that truf} him,treading on their necks who helped him to rife,falfly accufng, fupplanting,yea poyfoning,& fe- cretly murchering thole who f }and in his vvay,and hinder his preferments.To which purpofe one faith, that nothing doch. Chryfof}.in make men more madly & outragioufly incurious, then when Mac.ta.Ho- by their proud ambiti6 they are moued to delire immode- 'rrtl'Zt. rately vaine glory & earthly aduancement;and contrariwife nothing doth make them more honefl,refolute, andlike the adamant impenetrable by any vice,then when they do neg- leé} and defpifeit. Neither doth the ambitious man in this his outragions purfuit,frtffer any thing to flay him ; but run - neth oucr friends and enemies, kindred andfirangers, ac- knowledging neither father nor mother, wife nor the child ofhis bowels,but treadeth al vnder footwithout difference, ifthey Rand in his way, and hinder his proud march. Thus Z, z loab