Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
yob That worldly things caufe many toils to our neighbours. loab flabbed Abner and Amafzwhen he profeffed greateft friendfhip, they might not be preferredto his place ofcap- tain gencral.Thus Kam killed Abel becaufe he was preferred Iudg.9.s. g. beforehim. Thus Abimelech murthered all his brethren that he might reigne alone. This was the caufe of Corahs confpi- racie againfl Nlofes;ofeilbfalons rebellion againfl his owne s.Kino.t I.T. father; of Athaliahs murthering allthe kings feed ; thatha- iling fupplanted them, they might aduance themfelues into the royall throne, and weld the fcepter ofthe kingdome. So likewife thefe worldly riches are the caufes and occalions of all manee ofnrifchiefe and outragious iniurie to thofe that 6. fet their hearts vpon them; in regard whereof the Wife man faith, that as the labours of the righteous tend to life, fo the re- uenuesoftheìbickedto fanne. Seeing there is no outrage or wickednefi'e which they are not ready to commit for the in- Efa.;x.6, creafing of their wealth.Thus by their hoording,they bring vpon the whole countrie a common dearth, and caufe an v- latn.1.6. .niuerfall pouerty, for the filling of their private purfe. Thus r.Jam.a.I ;. for their private gaine they are ready to offer all grolle iniu- 24.16. ries, and that without colour of reafon, vpon meere will by tyrannie and violence ; as wee may fee in the example of Hophni and Thinehas die fonnes of Eli, who Cooke by force what they lilted from the people, when they came to offer facrifice. As alto to exercife grolle deceit and extreme cru- elty towards inferiours,that they may increafe theirworld- Micah 6crt.u. ly wealth ; as appeareth in the example ofthe Ifraelices, who . HoLrs.7. vied vnequall and wicked ballances, and the bag ofdeceit- -full vvaights, and in all their cariages were full of crueltie. Finally, this immoderate loue offiluer maketh men creche - roufly to betray euen thofe unto whom they are moll behol- pfat.aó.rr, ding, with ludas letting them out to Pale for a little money yea it is the caufe ofcruell murther and bloodfhed,couetous mifers being ready to bring men to the fhambies, and like cruel butchers to cut them intogobbets,and fel them peece- mealefor a little gaine. -So the Prophet Ezechiel complai- z. neth that there were among the people fuch, as did take gifts to /bed blood. And the Prophet Micah faith, that they did
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