Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
That worldly things naafi many emits to ourneighbours. 707 plucke off the peoples skins, and their fielh from their bones,and Micah 34.3. that they dad Bate theirflefh,breaktheir bones,chop the to pieces a es for thepot, and asfiefhin the caldron. And hence it is that in the Scriptures couetoufnes and bloodfhed arc ioyned to- gether l haut [mitten mine hands vpon thy conetonfnes which Ezech.t4.13. thou h.sfi vied, and vpon the blood ìbhich bath been in themid- deg of thee. And inanother place: Thy eyes and thine heart ter.zz.r7. are but ostely for thy couetou[nes,and for to Jhed innocent blood, and for oppreijon, and for deflruElion. The like alto might bee Paid ofcarnall pleafures,which if they bee immoderately lo- ued, caufe men to commit any iniuries or outrage, and that euen to the raking away of the precious life of their neigh - bours.For fo the Apoflle lames faith : Yee bane linedinplea - Iam.54.s. .Pure on the earth and in wantonneff : yee haue nouri/bedyour hearts as in a day offlaughter; ye haue condemnedand killed the iufl, and he hash not refilled you. An example whereof wee haue in Dauid, whole carnali pleafure in the end brought a.Sam.rr. him to the committing of cruel! murther; as alto in Ahab, who to get ground for a pleafant garden,procured the death r.King.zr. ofinnocenrATaboth. And there are Come of thofe manifold wrongs and Brie- §.Sea. 3. uousiniuries, which men through the immoderateloue of That worldly thefe worldly vanities do vfually offer vnto their neighbors; things procure whichalthough many about them may efcape,yetallhaueennyandxna- iufl caufe to feare, feeing in offering a wrong to one, they liee threaten it againfl all ; efpecially if their power be anfwe- rable to their will, they being fo mighty in themfelues,or fo backed with their potent friends, that noman dare make re- vni face fflance, or once call their aélions into queflion. But if they iniuriam emi be wanting in this power and ability, fo as they cannot doe nibus mintier. what they would ; yet are their veils neuer wanting to doe what wrongs they can; and when they are able to doe no more,they ceafe not to enuieand maligne thofewho exceed them in worldly profperity, hauing in their poffeflion thofe thingswhich they delire, and inwardly they repine at them, becaufethey hauethat which themfelues want,whom felfe -loue tnaketh them beleeue to be much more worthie. Z z z And
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