Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
X08 Thatlborld y thing! caul; many mil: to our neighbour!. And thus thofe who dote vpon worldly honours enuie and hate all thofe who are preferred before them, defiring no- thing more, then that they may outgrow them in aduance_ ments, or ifnot fo,yet that the other may fall and fo become equal vnto then -LS o alto they who fettheirharts vpon riches are filled with enuie and hatred, when they fee others thriue rafter, and to abound in greater plentie ; and though they haue no other quarrel' again(': their neighbour, yet this is caufe enough of a deepe conceiued grudge, if they exceed them in wealth;which enuie and repining they cannot com- monly take awayby al the humanity they can Phew towards them, neither is there any thing but their loffes, want, and miferie that can give them contentment,and worke a recon. Chryfofì ciliation. To which purpofe one faith, that the couetous Mar.a6.ho- man hateth all men both poore and rich. The poore,fearin" mil 8t. lefi they will beg of him ; the rich, becaufe they haue that which het would poffeffe. For he thinketh that all men en. ioythofe things which of right appertaine vntohim; and therefore as though he were hurt of eueryman, bee is angrie with all. The like alto might bee raid of worldly pleafures, which are the common caufes of this enuie and hatred,to thofe that let their hearts vpon them. They being ready to grudge and difdaine if any exceed them in daintie fare, and (lull tables,or in more flatly fhewes, maskes, and reucls, or in variety ofdelightfull (ports andpatiimes. ,Sec ?.4. Lally, this earthlyprolperity,and abundance of worldly That worldly hidings, being ouerualued and immoderately loued, doe things make puffe men vp with pride, and make them carrie themfclues men epmoudand' inlolently and difdainefullytowards their neighbours ;vy- tbeir neigbboru, ing wish their fuperiors as though they were their equals, negle6ting their cquals,as though they were their inferiors, and proudly infulting ouer their inferiours as abie &s,and bale vnderlings. And as waterifh humours abounding in the bodie doe caufe a dropfie, which fwelleth it much aboue the ordinarie meafure, and filleth it fo full,that it is necre vn- to burfling : fo thefe worldly and waterifh vanities do make mens-heartsand minds fubiec l to this dropfieofpride,wher- by
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