Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

?'hat Worldly thing:caul; nfany euilrto our neighbours. 709 by they are fo fwelled and puffed vp, that they arc much greater in their owne conceit, then they were before, and thinke all their gifts and good parts though neuer fo meane and fuperficiail,offuch worth and excellencie,that no man may be compared with them. So that a man than di- fcerne a meruellous alteration in the fame perfon, in refpeól ofhis different efface and condition; for whereas when hee was but ofineane qualitie, or touched with Come afióiion, he was humble, affable,and ful ofcourtef e; when the croffe isremooued,and he aduanced,flourifhing in profperity,and euen wallowing in his abundance; prefently his cariage and behauior is quite changed; and now he fwelleth with pride, ouerlooketh all that meete him, fcarce vouchfafeth a fide glance,or a complemental falutation unto thofe,with whom formerly he was moil familiar, and will fcarce know hisbef} benefaólors, left his proud heart fhould be difquiered, whi-. left bee is forced to remember that hee was beholding; or thofe ofhis acquaintance, who were formerly much better then he, left his pride fhould receiue any checke,whilefl he is put in mind,that he was an vnderling. Which as he would haue all men to paffe by, without taking notice ofit; fo would bee faine (if it were poffible) forget it himfelfe, and haue his memory in this as vnfaithfull and flippery,ashis ho- neflie and friendfhip, that fo his pride might goe with full failes,and without any occafion of blufhing,carry it felfe in- folently and difdainefully in al his courfes. It is true that all men are proud by nature,vntill grace do fubdue it,and bring humility; but yet there are many, who make no fhew of it ma meane efiate,wanting meanes and opportunity,which might,as it were,fet fire to the powder of their corruption. And as the Serpent may bee fafely handled when hee is fliffe and benummed with cold, though all his poifon be flilHn him ; but beginneth to hif a when bee feeleth the leaf} warmth,and is ready to fling thofe,when he is through.. ly heated, who for pitie tooke him vp and put him into their bofoms : fo this poifon of pride lurketh fecretly and Iieth hid inmens hearts, when it is pinched,and, as it were, Z z 3 benummed