Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
liar worldly things contenting cui!s to our neigb6óurs. 71 t aduerfe accident, they cometumbling downe againe,like a bird,which in his high flight is finitten withafhor. Andthus arc mens hearts lifted vpin pride withworldly 4.Set1'.5. honours and preferments,infulting ouertheir inferiours,and That honours, infolently difdaining al thofe,whom they haue outflripped, aches and plct- and in this race of honour haue leftbehind them. To which Pa" make Mex purpofe once faith, ÿ as Toone as the ambitious man is aduan- Joie and rn- ced to honor,he is puffed vp with pride, & letteth the raines look to arrogancy & infolence.Neither doth he care to pro_ vilitate condit. fir,but glorieth that heis preferred, prefuming that hee is fo human:. much better then others,as he is higher. He skorneth his-old friends,and will not take knowledge of his ancientacquain- tance,(left he might feeme to haue bin their equall.)Hecon- fortethhinrfelfe with Grangers, and contemnes thofewho were his familiars before his aduancement; he turneth atida his countenance,flretcheth out his neck,fheweth his haugh- tie harr,fpeaketh big,and meditateth of high matters; he is impatient offubie&ion,&afpireth to foueraigutie;towhich when he hath attained, he is burthertfome, arrogant,flerne, and infolent to thole who are in fubic &ion to him. An ex- ample whereof we haue in Rehoboam, who before hee could :.Chrouao. haucthecrowne let vpon his head,infolently tyrannized o- tier his people. And in Haman,who being highly aduanced in the kings fauor, was fo puffed vp with pride,that he expe- &ed cbeifance and'dutie from all men, and could not indure that v`Ylordecai alone fhould negle& him in this height of glorie. And hence it is, that the Lord feeling, like a skilful' Phyfition,the lofty beating pulfes of great potentates, and finding them inclinable to fall into the frenzie of pride, ap- pointeth Kings and Princes, for the tempting and abating of their proud fpirits, to haue his law continually before them,that when the greatneffe of tiseir place did lift them vp,theymight be humbled by knowing, and continuall re- membring,thatburthen of dutie which did lie vpon them. When (faith he) the Kingfballfìi vponthe throne of his King - Deut.t 7.19:50 dome,then"lhall he write him this Lawrepeated in arbooke,by the PrieFls of the Leuites,asd it fhall be trioh him, and he(ballreade Z z 4 therein
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