Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

77 2 That worldly things camp many euils to our neighbour:. / 141 Lord daies of his life, that he may learn tofeare the his God, and tokeepe allthe *orals of this Law, and theft ordinances for to doe them; that his heart be not lifted vp aboue his brethren. So allo there is nothing morethen riches and abundance which puffeth men vp with pride, making them infolent andintollerable to all that are about them : and whereas before they were adorned, or after they are firipped of thefe rich furnitures,euery onemight rule and ride them; yetwhen they ruffle it out in their rich brauerie,thcir hearts are to high and haughty,that none but Kings and great Mo- narches can haue themat command ; and being filled full with thefe golden fpirits, theyare readie to aduance them- felues aboue their betters, thinking that their worth excee- deth as much as their wealth; and to offer wrongs and info - lenciesto all that are poorer,prefuming that they can keepe them vnderwith the waight oftheir gold, and hinder them fróm righting themfelues, when they haue thefe pieafing o> P4 1m.49.h. rators to pleade againfi them. So the Pfalmifl faith, that they trial in their goads, and boa.£II themfelues in the multitude of Prou.r8.z ;. their riches. And theWife man fhewing.thehumilitie of the poore,and the haughty pride ofthe wealthier fbrt;faith,that the Poore f eaketh with prayers ,but the richanjwerethrouehlie. s.Tim.6.1 7. Whereofit alfò is,that the Apofile feting the neere affinitie and acquaintance betweenepride and riches,the one being the mother aud,nurfe of the other, would haue an efpeciall charge giuen to rich men,that theyfhould not be high min- ded,becaufe, of al others,they are mofiprone to fai into this finne. The like alto might be:faid of worldly pleafures, which being inioyedwith immoderateloue,and in exceffìue meafure,doe makemenwanton,proud and infolent; like vn- vnto pampred horfes,.which being fatted withprouender will (land on no ground,norindure to be ruled with any ri- der; whole pride and brauerielafleth no longer then they are well fed : for fo thefe voluptuous wantons being pampe- red with carnal] delights,grow proud oftheirpleafures,nei- ther knowing themfelues nor others : but when they are skanted oftheir full tables, and are deprived of that where- in