Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Of the cited e1Uls,.which worldly thingsbring to their owner..71 in theymot] delight,they prefently firike faile,andthe creffe oftheir pride is taken downe, hauing it birth and death,ri.. Çng and ruine, with thofc carnali pleafures whereupon they haue Pet their hearts. Andthefe,withmany other,are the e, uils and mifchiefes,which thefe worldly things too much e- fleemed and immoderately loved, caufe men to fall into in regard of their neighbours. The which fhould (erne as effe- &nail reafons to weane our hearts from the loue ofthefe va- nities, and to moderate our affeelions towards them, Peeing otherwife, they will become not onely difhonourable to God,butalfo hurtful! and pernicious vnto our neighbours, whom we ought to lone as our felues,andtender their good, as much as we doe our owne. CHAP. XXXIII. Of the eiuill evils Which worldly things immoderately lotted, bring to their owner!... Auing fhewed how finfull the loue of the world; 4.Seil=.L and worldly things is inrefpeel:ofGod,and how That abuts. s " many mifchiefes it caufeth towards our neigh- dance ofnortd- bours ;.' c now followeth,that I alto thew, that as it is hurt- ty things e$emi full and erniciousvntoothers fo mollofalltothemfelues nazeandle di P , i the heart and who are poffcffed ofit,as beinothe caufe ofinnumerable e- mind. uils and mifchiefes, and thofe both temporary and eternal!. The temporarieeuils which thefe worldly things immode- rately loued, bring to thofe who dote vpon them,areeither eiuill, and meerely humane ; elfe fuch as are ípirituall,refpe- ctlìngthefoule,and th,e inner man. The culls of the former fort are diners : for firtt, the profperitie ofthe world,and a= bundance of earthly hidings, doe fatten and effeminate theheart and mind, making men impatient in bearing the lealicroffe,andimpotent in performing any thing,wherein is any difficultie and labour :for profperiticand plentie caufe wantonneffe,and wantonneffe way wardneffe,if they be but touched with the leati caufe ofgriefe: and hauing been long inured to tread onelyinthe foft path of worldly happineffè,- their
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