Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

7140 f the cissil exils,rvhich worldly things bring to their owner,. their feet are made fo tender, that the lea(} hardneffe ofad- uerfe accidents putteth them to paine,and the lean paine ma- keth themto cric our,being made intollerable not in it felfe, but through their impatiencie in fuffering it. Thus thefe worldly honors weaken and foften the mind,making it im- patient in bearing the leaf} iniurie, orfhewofverong, yea though it be but the fufpition of a final( negle&. Or ifby lu- perior powers,by whom they were aduanced, and by whole grace they Rand, they bee but a little frowned vpon, they prefently fearing a dowctefall,or doubting that they lhal rife no higher, haue their hearts broken, or at leaf }, fretted and confumed with griefe;whereas others,who either neuer had thefe honours, or neuer much efleemed them, hauing the comfort of a good confcience within the., feare no frownes, and beare with patience vndeferued difgraces, and the lofée of thole honours, which they neuer highly valued. So alfo riches immoderately loued,foften the heart,and weaken the refolution ofthofethat haue them, mak ing themcowardlie in attempting any thing which is good, if the leali (hew of danger be in it,either to their perfon or eRate ; equally fea- ring the loffe oftheir lines, and the hazard of their wealth, left either by the onc,they fhould be taken from their idol(, or by the other, it fhould bec taken from them. The latter whereof is more grieuous vnto them then the former, be- esule by the prolonging of their life, after the lofleoftheir riches, their forrow is continued, whereas the griefe which they fuflaine,for being taken from their wealth,istaken a- way by death,which maketh them fenfleflè in fe cling their lofíè. By which feare and cowardize poffefling their hearts, they are made altogether vnwilling to Rand in any caufe for Gods glory,the defence of iuflice and truth,or for the com- mon good of the Church or Common - wealth, ifany fupe- riour powers doe oppofe againfi them : yea, they are readie inflruments,euen of thofc mifchiefs,which their confciences do condemne and abhor,rather then they wil by incurring their difpleafure, hazard themfelues tobe fleeced of any of their wealth. Againe, they are hereby made fo impotent, and