Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

716 Of the eiuil euils whichworldly things bring to their olbnert. Cyrus apud &cth it felfe, and, as it were,gathereth all it forces together. and fo returningto it felfe, itaffeóieth moderation,and be- ing freed from the burthen and tyrannie of paffìons, it is made fironger and more nobly lofty. And hence it is, that politicke conquerours, hauing with great danger and di(fi_ cultic vanquifhed and ouercome fome warlike nations,haue to keepe them Rill vnder, defpoiled them of their armes, and in Head of warlike exerci fes, drawne them to banquet- ting,gaining,andreuelling, that fo their courage might bee abated,andtheir hearts foftned and effeminated with there pleafures and delights.Andtherforeifwe make any account of Chrifiian fortitude & magnanimity, which chiefly defen- deth vs again!' ourenetnies,ifwewould not haue our manly courage,changed into womanifh weaknes,let vs not immo. deratly loue worldly profperity, nor-vnmeafurably affeel ei- therhonors,riches, or carnal pkafures,which take awayboth our patience in fuffering, & our firength inperforming,& fo make vs vnable for any Chrifiian ,yeaman- likeimploimenr. 43e1i.2 Afecondeuillormifchiefe which worldly profperity ,and that the (ruin -`abundance ofearthlythings bring vntothofe who inioy thé enofmorldly with immoderatelouc,is,that by their plenty theybringvp_ van:ties make on them aneceffty, & make them to fiand in need of many men toftandin thinos(wheras-nature iscontent with a few)the want ofthe needof many leaf' whereof caufeth vnto them forrow and difcontent : for thngr, by the vfuallaccuflomingofthemfeluestofuperfluities ,they alter the courfe oftheir natures, and make them to become neccffarie; and whereas thofe who neuer vied them,neuer need them, nature in it felfe being as well content without them as with them;contrariwifc thofe whohaue inured the- felues vnto them, hauing turned cufiome into a fecond na- ture, cannot want themwithout a maime. Inwhich refpe&& worldly men abounding with thefe earthly things, are ina farreworfe condition thenthofe who neuer had them;for as he who by continual vie ofPhyficke,hathbrought his body to fuch a difpofition, that he can enjoy no health, vnleffe he ,continually be taking medicines,nor digefi a meale without the helpe ofhot waters,is in a far worfe.etiate,thoughhe had the