Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Of thecirrilmile whichworldly things drirrg to their owner!. ßt7 the bell Phyfitions to tend him, and a wholeApothecaries limp at his command,then a poore labouring man who nee - deth neither cordial,pill nor potion,but without thefe helps, eateth his meat with a good appetite, and well digelling it, bath it turned into good nourifhment, though he haue nei- therPhy£tion to counfel,nor drug to purge him,becaufe his nature & conftitution is fo thong, that he needeth them not: fo is our e$ate far better when wehauefew wants,then wan- ting much to haut many fupplies(euenas it is better to be in healthwithout medicines,then to be weake& lickly aboun- ding with thê) not only becaufe they bring trouble by their continual' vfe,bur alfo being outward things, they are both prouided and kept with care and labor, & though they now abound, yet within a while they maybe wanting vntovs; wheras whenwe haue few wants, wealfo need few fupplies, which commóly are hard at hand & eafily compafl'ed.There is no man but would thinke his eflate much better, who be- ing neceffarily to go a iorney fhould need but fmal prouifion by reafon of his firength and health ; as bread & water, light clothing,and hard lodging ; then another who though he be but weak,yet is forced to cary a whole burthë of necelfaries, both for dier,Phyficke and apparell : but we are all to trauell in ourearthly pilgrimage towards our heauenly countrie; and therefore howmuchbetter is their condi tion,who need fewefl neceffaries,w'hich are as eafilyprouided,as lightly ca- tied; then theirs who having abundance of thefe earthly things, cannot go without them, noryet carie them with them without toile and labour; feeing their 'lore may faile, or by force be takenfrom them, and foleaue them to pinein want and miferie? But thiswill the better appeare, ifweconfider the fpeciall 4 Serf.3. lnflances: for who feeth not that worldly honors do bring The farmer with themmany neceflities,and caufe them who haue them pointfheroed by to want innumerable things ofwhich others haue no need ? the ficelall es_ they cannot with their honor go alone in publike places,but ampler a / ho- mullhaue aretinue offeruants attending on them; they can - norb ri btr and not vifit a friend without honks and coaches, & as one faith, they are fo much cuffed with others legs, that they forget to vfe
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