Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

7 2o D fthe cistilettilr which worldly things bring to their owners. they become fo necefharie, that they cannot want them without great griefe and di fcontent.Th us or dinarie drinke feemc to their tafte loathfome medicines, common fare, a tedious fall, want offports and pastimes, a diko:nfortablc itnprifonmenr, and ordinarie focietie, an irkefome folitari- neffe; neither doe they fecme to themfelues any longer to liue, then they enioy their vfuall delights, fitting downe at full tables furnifhed with all dainties, cnioying the focietie of theirpleafant companions, and (pending the day in ga- ming and rcuelling, in feeing flewes and playes, and in fol- Senecepill39.lowing their fports and carnali delights: wherein, as one faith, they are of all others moil miferable, becaufe they are conic to that paffe, that thole things which were fuperflu- ous, are now become neceffarie, whereby they become flaues to their delights, not freely enioying, but bafely fer- uing them ;and that which is the worlt ofils, they loue their flaueries; for then our vnhappineffe is contpleate and per - Summa valap- feet, when as filthic and difhonefi things, do not only a lit- tag e! nullo tledelight,butfullypleafevs,andthereisno.hopeofamend- egerevoluptati -ment when vices become manners. in which refpet (as he bus.Senec. faith elfewhere) it is the greatest pieafure, not to Band in epift.t:. need of these pleafures, and to be (like the Apostle) free men, who can vfe them, and not be brought in fubieetion vnto them; enioyingthem with a careleffe contempt, and lofing them without griefe : or vfng pleafures, as the An- gels vfe meate which they can Bate for companie, and as eafily obferue perpetual] abfiinence; their feeding being an ao`tionof power, and not of ncceflicie. Finally, feeing the abundance ofthefe earthly things bringeth want, and the greatest plentie is the caufe ofthe greaceft penurie and ne- cefïltie, like meates which do not fatisfie, but increafe the hunger; let vs learne to contemn them, or atleaft care. lefl'elyvfe them: andlet vs fet our hearts on Gods fpirituail graces and heauenly ioyes, by whole fiore we are enriched, and whole plentie brings fufficiencie. For they that drinks 1t++1m4x4 ofthefe waters oflife,/hall nester be more athiril, bat theyßtall be inbima! bell of water,! ringing Tip Tinto eaerlalTing life, as ourSauiour Guilt teacheth vs. _ The