Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

which world ythingldring to their mum 72! The third mill or mifchiefe, which thefe worldly things se£f.4, immoderatly loued, doe bring vpon vs,is that they deprive That world!), vs of our liberty, and inthrall vs in a miferable feruitude, thing? bring and cruel bondage. For after they haue vanquifhed vs with tnen:uro a that power and flrength which our owne opinions haue ar- aer ter med them with,they prefently enchaine our hearts and affe- ¿lions with the links and fetters of their love, and fo lead vs away into a mifcrable captiuity; not fuffering vs any longer to ferue the Lord, whole feruice alone isperfeft liberty; nor yet to be ruled by holy reafon,and aduifed and counfelled by a found and vnpartiall judgement; but putting out the ties of our vnderflanding, they make vs to grind in their mil,Cpen- ding all ourflrength in their feruice, and taking vs wholly vein their imploiments,eitherabout the getting,keeping,or increafing them. And whereas the Lord offereth voto vs, thatifwe will acknowledge him, our oncly Lord and Ma- iler, we (hall haue a faire and cale feruice, and haue inward peace, and the quiet and comfort of a contented minde, and feed vpon the delicious and wholefome footle of his word and facraments ; hauing for the prefent the vailes ofhis fpi- ritual! graces, and temporali necelfaries, for ourbetter en- couragement in our eafie labours,and his affured promife to giue vs when ourferuiceis performed, and our terme fini- fhed,the wages of eternal( life and eueritfling glory ; yet like thewretchedJfraelites we arefo intangled with the lout of our bondage, that we are ready to preferre our painefull feruitude, before Chriflian liberty, there confttming and cruel labours, before that fpitituall cafe and peaceful{tran- quillity, the feruice of the fpirituall Pharaoh, before the fer. nice of our good and gracious God, and the flefhpots, oni- ons, and gatlike of this worldly Egypt, without any further hope of future benefit, before the Cptrituall Manna of Gods fanólifying graces,and our euerlafling inheritance in the ho- lie land. And that thofe who are wordly minded be in this flare and condition,and hauing (haken off the feruice ofGod are become rtuevaffalsof the world, it mayappeare by that liucry and cognifance wherby the Apoflle bath difcerred the;namely their fubieelion& obedience voto their mailer, A a a Know