Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

yi s Of the Chilli tale ltto.f.t6. Knowyen et, faith he, that towhemroeaerye thee yew felsie :¡e ferteants to obey, lth feruant ryeare, to whomye obay ? And the Apofile Peter faith, that howfoeuer wicked worldlings pro - a.Per sta. tnif: unto themfé/uerliberty,yet they are the feruants of corrup- tion ; for of whomfouer a man is otrercome, exert to the fame hcc is in bondage. Now if this badge of obedience bee an infallible fgne of feruice and fubieelion, then moll cer- tainely they who immoderatly loue thefe earthly things, are not the feruants of God, but the 1ondfLues et the world. For what the Lord commandeth, they utterly negleói, but what the world inioyneth, promifing the wages of thefe vn- profible vanities, that they mot+ willingly obferue and per - forme. As for example, the Lord requireth that they fhould not mind earthly things, that they fhould performe the du- ties of his feruice, deale íufily & vprightly with their neigh - hours, and be liberal! and bonntifull in the workeso mercy, releeuing the poore,and contributing of their goods to all re- ligiousand holy vfes:and contrariwife the world cómandeth that they fhould fixe their hearts andaffe lions not on things shone, but on things beneath, that they {horrid for their worldlyaduantage neglec'l Gods feruice and fpend hisSab- baths about their owne affaires, and for the obtaining of their earthlyvaniries,vie fraud and deceit, diffembling and double. dealing,oppreflion and cruelty : and that hawing by thefe meanea gotten much into their pofleflion, thcyil ould labour dailyto ad torheirhore ;and not to diminifh any part thereof by performing the works of mercy, charity&, piety; 'Metre they be melted from them by authority; and except it be now and then to giue out of their thoufands a penny. (times toßill the cry oftheir confcience,orto incourage them to goe on with mor: quiet of Mind in their fraude,vtury,op- prrffion & other vnlawfull cotirfes,which their owne hearty doe nbtiufti6e, becáufe by giuing thefe trifles, they thinke that they bane made God tome part ofamcnds, and that thereby they haue afwell bribed his iuflice, that it w+'1 not cendemne chew, as they haue corrupted their owne confci- enres,that they dónomore accule them. Ail which com- mandments, of eh world,they willingly obey, neglehhiinng: