Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

which wordythings king to their owners. 723 and contemning the commandements of God, whereby they make it plaine that they haue vtterly caa off his feruice, and are become the denoted vaffals, and bondflaues of the world. And hereby the world we vnderfland both worldy men, g & wordly things, vnto the feruice of both which this immo- That world- derate lone makes men Cubica; for they forgot their liberty usdsere flames and becomethe feruants of all chofe, who may helpe them fpeitf. to the obtaining, prefèruing, or increafing of thefe earthly things, which they fo fondly loue, or haue power in their hands to take them away, being ready at their command to doe what they know may pleafe them, and to efchue thofe things,by the doing whereof they may incurre their difp!ea -. lure. And becaufe thofe are many and their minds and de- fires variable, yea often contraric the one to the other; ther- fore that they may plea fe them al,they are faine to transform themfelues into a thoufand (hapes, and in their words and a- alons,according to the diuerlty of theiroccafions,to vfe ten thoufand contradittlions,humouringentry one in their awne vaine, and like parafites fludying to pleafe all others rather then themfelues -,that fo they may at leafl giue them content- ment feuerally, vnro whom they meane to bee beholding, whom it is impo1Tì le to pleafe all together : which though they can doe with Tome facdity(hauing brought their minds to a feruilefubieólion, for the more eahe obtaining of their deliires) when they haut to deale with them Lingle and alone; yet how arc they moiled and troubled with cares and feares of lofing the fauourof Come or all ? How aretheir inuentions fct upon the racke,when they labour to pleafe many diuerfly minded inthe fame company ?and with what fhame are they poifeffed(if they be not grown vtterly impudent)whé by có- ferring and comparing their words and actions, their con- iart.l &ha. ttadi lions, dddèmbling, and double dealing are difcouered? diget, multo- Solikewifetheybecome the feruants and flauesofthe things rum Term eß, themfelues which they kettle to haue at their command; elf ea pojlïde- for (as one faith) he who through his greedy concupifcence re d e t in wartethmanythings ,istheferuantal(oof many, although Ioh.ra.hom. he feemeth to haue them in his poffeflion. And that both be- t s, A a a a caufe