Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

c 724 OftbeChu!!exile caufe by reafon of their loue towards them, they are ready to be at their command, that they may Gill enjoy them ; and by reafon of that truft and confidence which they repofe in them , whereby they depend upon them for fufficiency and defence, as much or more then thebafeft feruant, upon his powerful Ma(ter.Yea hereby they become flaues to their owne vile affe6tious and ncgle6ting both what Gods word, or their owne reafon requireth, they fuffer rhemfelues to be wholly tranfported by their owne concupifccnee,for the fa- tisfying oftheir carnali delires : and as their paflìons and af. feaions are ruled by thefe earthly obieéts, fo are they wholy ruled by their palìons; not affecting things becaufe they are r7nllatliber good, but efteeming them good,becaufè they affect them. ell, qui ¡bitpfi The which gouernment of paffion and carnal! concupi- nonimperas. fcence, as it is moft tyrannicall,fo it argues the molt bale Pythagoras and obie61 feruitudeofwordly men, who are fubicét vn- apud Stoba- to it feeing they are in a farce worfe condition then the um. lifers. who are oppreffed with the molt men tyranny Fo ny. y r that onely ruleth but the outwad aétions this alto the inward thoughts; that but at fometimes, this continually; that with fome hope of freedome, they hauing fonte deuce to be deliuered when opportunity ferueth ;but this defperate and hopelelle, feeing not onely their bodies, but their wits .4n non felons alto are embondaged, fo as they haue not fo much as a delire cui dominato, to be let at liberty. Finaliy,as hereby they become flaues to peecatum, ra theirowne concu ifcence fo being carnali and corru t maxtmè ? nits P $ p , to forte i #dig- maketh them alfo theferuants of finne; not daring to doe a. niusiudices my thing which God commanded", when it will hinder hominemtibi them from obtaining their earthly delires; and running d,mino tium headlong irsany wicked courfe which promifeth to fatisfie Bernard. their carnali concu ifcence now what can be more inifera- Bernard. p , Rom.6.2o. ble then the feruice of finne, which freeth vs from righteouf; s.Tim.a,x6. nelle, as the Apo(tle teacheth vs,and maketh men all() to be- s. Setis.6. come theflauesof Satan ; whilft for the obtaining of thefe That worldly worldly vanities, they are ready by finning to doe fatans wil, theirowner and to pie by ditleafingGod? their owners P Y P a plies tot ban- But though thefe worldly things fhould fubie61: men to Piny. the liaueryofnothingelfe; yet the fctuicc which they who let