Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
which wordy things bring to their owners. 715 fct their beans vpon thcm,are confirained to de vnto them- film, were fufficient to make them miferable: for whatcan be more wrethed then to leave the feruice of the almighty Creator, and tobecome flaues to thefe bale and nieane crea- tures ?To negled our allegiance to the glorious King ofhea- uen and earth, that wee may (true our feruants, and yeelde fubieftion to them,ouer whom we are appointed to rule ?E- tien qutm mi. fpecially if wefurther confider, that Gods feruice which wee forum eft dei.. forfake is cane and profitable: for es Chrifl bath taught vs, fie f truare hisyoakeueafee, and ids burthenlight ; which notwithflan- dominar,? ding whofoeuer take vpon them, (hall find eternalireff to Mat.11.a9. 3o; their feules. Whereas contrariwile the feruice which is per- formed to theft wordly vanities, is tedious, tyrannical!, and full of trouble, bringing in the end to thofethat ferue them, hell and deflru%lion, as their wages and reward. For to the authourofthebookeof Wifedome bringeth in the wicked complaining, id their horrourofconfcience, and torments ofhell : Wee hastewearied our lefties in thewaits of erickednef e wifd.s.7 t; and deflrúúlion, and wee haue gone through dangerous wares ; blouse bane not knowen the wate of the Lord.What bath pride pro f ted vs ? or what profit bath the pompe of riches brought vs? So that the more worldly men doe abound with thefe earthly undana qr o things,the more intuiting mailers& proudetyrants they haue paura maiora. to rule ouerthem,& confequently the more greeuous is their que [out, ei feruitude.Neither is this tyranny mitigated by obeifanceand isle minor at fubmiffcdutie; for fo feruillisthenatureofthefe tyrannical! .tuar q ens' Lords, that the more hartie and diligent feruiceisdone vntofatieemWoo tbem,the more they infult,and tyrannize ouer their leruants;.appellat.Se heereinmore fauage and barbarous then the wild beafis, debea. which grow more milde to thofe who are feruiceable vnto to vita, ca.14. thë,& are laid to fparc thofe who vie moll fubmiflion. Vnto which we may adde that this feruice is not performed with the body alone, but alto with the minds, whereby it corn - meth to palie, that wordlings are neuer at ref!, neither day nor night; for that time which thould be allotted for fleepe, is (pent in meditating of thofe bufinelks which when they a- rife,they are toperformeto chele cruel! mai+ers. And that which makcth vpthe height of the wordlings miferie, there A a a 3 is
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