Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
736 of the Ciuill antis is no hope of their freedome, bccaufe they loue their feruitude; and are fo much delighted with the glorious brightnelle of their golden chamcs,thatthey will not be let at lsberty,hecaufe they will not pair with their giues and fetters, they with their finning luflrefodazlingtheir eyes, and euen (lupifying all their feules, that they neither fee nor leek their bondage and feruitude. y. SaEi.7, Thus honours immodkrately loued, make men fubiec`i That honourr to a noblethraldome, and viler the maskc of glory and immoderately greatnelfe,bring with them difguifed bondage; for in ru- loued, brhrg ling they mull fermi; and b,fore they can haue the glory min into /la- of the world. they mull abate themfclues to be in fubiedi- ucrie and thraldome onto many commaunders, wherein the Gate ofan ambi- omnibus fir- tious man is farrc more wretched then the eflate of the uu jrutiiore(l poorefi feruanr for whereas thole haue chi-charged their v,negiorte ducty,and are at tell, when they haue by their feruice plea. manuptum,& fed one nailer ; they contrariwife turmoile themfelues by in omnibus feruin many, becomming their vuderlings, ouer whom obrtljs lacere g veiens:etqui they feenie to rule. For looke of how many the ambiti- slam ous man deuireth to be praifed and honoured,vnto fo ma. caritomnium ny he flandeth in awe and fubicélion Fie dare not do thole ftmmua r.ft. things which bell ideate himfelfe, but thole which hee hryin homil.9. Mat, knowcth moll plaufible to bis admirers;and the more they a. arc in number, the greater is his taske,for he ferueth abeall which hathmany heads, and euery head bath his diffe- ring opinions. The which maketh the proud man to (loup in hisgrcatellbrauery ,to diflra& his thoughts, and beat his bruines, in (ludying how to pleafe a difagreeing mul- titude: hee is alwayes in ferre of lofing his fauoui ices , as though he fhould fall out oftheclouds to receiue a mor- tal blow vpon the earth,vnletfethey did fupport hint with the wings of fame and hold him vp with the breath of Tnnocca, de their mouthes : hee is alit ayes moll vigilant, that bee alitateeon- neither lay nor do any thing which may difpleafe;hecoun- ditionis hu- terfeyteth humility, and faineth honelly; hee maketh (hew maim. of affable couttefe , and diffembleth benignity ; so all lice meets he vucouers his head, and boweth his body, he ri- fcth vp and embraceth, applaudeth and fluttered); he dar- ly
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