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which wordy things brixsto tbeiroiPnerr. 757 lyvifiteth his fauourites, and tibferueth veto them All out- ward complements, bee is in iealculie,nor ï nelyof verbal cenfirres, but of menrall difhkes, 11,e obfei ueththe verie looker and countenance of all, and is as much atraide of a faired rumor, and falfefâion,asofa lull accufati- on, and defeated reproofe. And as heéliueth in this lia- Atery in re(pcti of worldly men,whofepraifes het huntetn after, fo allo is he feruant ro his honours and preferments, whiled he fpendeth his fpirits, tireth his thoughts, and e- uen confumeth all his drength, either about the getting, keeping or increafing them. Yea they are flaues allo to their own lulls, & while d they rule and command othcrs,they Carr ererci- themfeluesare ruled and commaunded by their on am- rsae, mirbitio bisions; and yet not with a gentle gouernment, or ea fie Cxlaremda- fubiedion, but with more tyranny and cruelty then can be cevet.Senee. cxpefted (roma barbarous enemy: for after the Turk ifh "Pm. "' fafhion,thistyran ambition,hath their goods at continual! commaund, fpoilin'g them of all their riches to make Ol- den (ceps, whereby they may alcend into the léate of ho- nour; yea and when all their wealth is confumed, they are readywith the Egyptians to fellthernfelues into a mifera- blèferuitude that they may (cede their famifhed foules with the fmoake of vain- glory, which will neuer fànsle them; for Itforceth them to trauell by lea and land, to ware out themfelues with labours,to expofetheir bodies to wounds and (cars, and their hues-toinnumerable-mife- ries, and mod defperate dangers.In which regard onefaith, that theferuantofvaine- glory, is (intenttoeuerÿone;and C1 0tt'ad in his feruice moreferuile then the baled bondflaue;for no Torm,4om 49' tyrannous matter laieth fuck heavy burdens,andgricuous commaundsvpon his flaues, as it doth upon his captiues, andthe more obedient they are, the More thif ambition increafeth it tyranny.Neither doth xtyranniiemitt their bodies and goods alone, butouer their foulesatfo for it turmöileth their withniany vnrulie paffioíts;raelring them betweene hope. andfeate, and euen burning their hearts with boiling anget,.and furious, delire of erurll renenge:it 'difquieteth them with continual! cares; while(kheytire Al Aaa.4 their
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