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'z$ Of the Ciailleailr their thoughts in plotting the meanes ofafpiring, or pre- feruing their glory and grcatnellë; and (which is worfl Negretio7ie of all) itdeflcth them with all manner of Clone , while(} feru,wrai-,ua they are ready to put in praaìife any vilinany to ad- pe "arguam uance themfclues as before I haue Ihawed. And fornicate r,im a higher, longì plwa & confcquently, whilefl they afpire to bee abone all other grauiara cam- men,they become the feruants of finne,and flaues ofSatar; mitùt.Chryf, and willingly doe that, to which ourSauiourwastemp- n Iohn 3. ted,and reiilled,that is fall down and worlhip the diuell, hona 7 when he pro mifeth vnto them the glorie of the world, & fo f rft bring themfelues into themolt damnable feruitude, that afterwards they may be extolled and aduanced. g. Se5.8. So alto riches when they are too much efleemed, and Thar riches excel-finely loued, bring their owners into a miferable bringtbeir bondage, making them to fettle the earthly mammon, & omxertrntoa their ownecouetouslufls; the which rulin inrhemfub- (è`atrleban left them tothebafeferuiceofall men, fromwhonithey g espe& gaineand aduantage; yea offinne and Sathan, being ready to commitany wickednetre,. for the increafing of their wealth. But this is not the (late of all men that haue riches, but of chore who too much eiecme and loue them; not fo much of the rich,as of the couetous,who dote vp- Diuiti aped on them; not ofthofe who being wife, know how to vfe fapientem vi- them, keeping them in feruitude, and hauing them at rsmtn ¡erni- eommaund, but of thofe fooles, who not knowing their cute funt,apud ßo, i,. right vfe ' (uffer them to tyrannize and beare rule. For if perio. Senee, we can poltefIèriches with carelelrecontenlpt,and mode - de vita beata. rate loue, if wee haue them at commaund, and when wee capai. plcafe can partwith them libcrally,and chearefully for the reliefeof the poore, and for all pious and charitable vfes, if wee can poffefie them and humility too,being neuer the more proude and infolent, becaufe of out abundance, the are wee not by them brought into this flauery,but conti- nue freemen, and Gods faithfull feruants; neither doth our hailing, but our immoderatelouingofriches, hinder àlatt.6.24. vs from fcruing God; for out Sauiour Chrill faith not, that it is impoflible to haue riches and ferue God, but to doe feruice vnto them both as our Lords and mailers. As there-
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