Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
which worldly chili bring totheir owner!. 729 therefore it is laid offIce and water, that theyare good Cer- uants, but bad matters; Co may it be truly faid.ot riches,. which whileft they are kept in fubictlion,and vndcr com- maund, arc profitable fcruants, but become tyrannous.pecu,iafi vtï matters when they are fufferedto rule and bearefway. So ¡ciaa,anci1La that wholoeuer poirelreth riches,muft eyther balclycfteem e(1, frnefcias, them, inrefper offoueraignety ,orbecomebafehimfeltc; d °mtna.Sence. either he mull commaund and rule them as a Lord and ma- si pecanise- ller; or they will rule him as a feruant or flaue. For Co our beßeelty' bt Stulour Chrift faith plaincly, that the couetous worldling. teipfum, aat ferueth his riches; and cues reafon and common esperi, peewnissita- ence teachcthvs, that they who ouervalue their wealth &ambaboa. vi- fet theirccarts vpon ie,howfoeuer they are owners,yet they,lem.Senec. are not mailers of their riches, yea in truth that they are no better then drudges & fèruants vnto them, carrying them - feluestowards them in all refpeels, in a moll feruile and fla- uifh maner. For they,haue not their riches at their com- maund, nor haue power to doe with them that which their iudgement bell approucth, as to beflowe them vpon thé- fclues for. their owne comfort, & to diliribute them for the reliefeof the poore; but they are commaunded by them, and enioyned (till to fcrape more, when alreadythey haue too much. As feruants they minifler vnto their mony,and doe Ceruice vnto their wealth, keeping andtending it,wat thing ouerit, and in all dangers with the hazard of their hues defending it. To which purpofe one faith,Thou arta Ambro.lib.dc iaylor, and nota mallet of thyriches, whofoeuerthou art Nabuth,c,t4, thathidefi than in the carth,thou art a remain ofthem,and not a difpoferand iudge: for he is a feruant ofriches, who asa feruant waiteth vpon them;but he who hath fhaken off thisyokcof feruitude,doth difpofe of& difiribute them as becommeth a maIer. So likewife as. a (-eruant, though he haue the care and paines in,tending them, yet he bath not the power or courageto touch them,or to difpofe of them to thofe vfcswhich his iudgement bell:..approueth,for fare ofdifpleafing thefe tyrannous mailers, the earthly.mam. mou , and his carnali concupifcence. For (as one obfer- ueth) let a man aske of the moll wretched((mifcr,what bee thinketh
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