Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

Reafons mooing vs to fight againf the world. f d we moil truft it,becattfe(faith he) the fafsian of this world go ethaway,or as the words may more fitly fignifie,be caatié the beware and glorie ofthis world doch feduce vs, and like a Falk guide mifleadeth in diretrting. The other, r.Ioh.z.15. Lone r.Ioh.z.t . not the tborld,nor the things that are in the world, &c. The fecond argument may be taken from the paflion of4.Sett.2. Chri(l : for hee (led his precious blood to cleanfe vs from The /mend rea- thefe worldly and wicked lofts, and viftorioufly triumphed Ion taken from curt the world vpon his croffe on our behalfe,not that wee thePa11`on0/ Mould yeeld our felues to the fubic&tion thereof againe, being thus dearely redeemed from it, not that wee fhould frill haue our hearts and affelions fait nailed to the earth, and glued as it were vnto worldly vanities , but that wee Mould contemne and tread them vnder our feete, as being partners in his vi6iorie, and that being rifen with Chrß, in glorious triumph ouer them,wefhould feehe thofe things that Co1.3.r.z, are aboue,where Chr ftteth at the right hand of God,and fet our aft/itons on thing that are above, andnot on thing. r hick are on the earth. And though our abode be vpon the earth, yet our conuerfationfhould be in hearten, from hence weelocke Phil.3.zo. for a Sateiourtutu the Lord lefus Chrifi; in companion of whole infinite worth we are with the Apoftle Paulto caeca, all earthly things draft and dung, yea eaten lore that wee may verLe, gaine him. And this argument the Apoltle Peter vfeth to en- courage vs to fight against and forfake worldly lulls : r.Pet. 4.r. For as much as (brig bath fuffered for vs in the fle/h,arme r.Pet.4.t.1, jour felues like's ife with the fame mende,which is,that hee a huh bath fia/f ëred in thefe/h, bath ceafed from flint, 2. That hee henceforward fhould liue(ae much time as remaineth in t hefefh) not after the ¡tifs ofmen,bast after the will of God. 3. For it it juficient for vs that wee haue "pent thetime pa/I oft/se lifeafter the lug of the Gentiles,walking in wantonnes,luffs, drunkennes, in glutronee, drinking:, and en abominable idolatries, tic. a- mongft which one of the moll hainous and commonelt is,to fet vp the world as an idoli in our hearts, which fhould bee the temple of the holy Cho ft. The third argument is taken from vnauoidable neeeliitie: Seçi. , for firft it is neccfiarie that we fight againstthe world,or elfe The third rea- C z we fon taken from