Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

730 Of the Cixillexits thinkcth of chore, who haue not only the ioyfull fruiti6,of their riches themfelues, but alfo giuc of them liberally to the releefe of the poorc,and he will fay that he doth wel and tidy in lo dilpofing of them. Aske him) further,whythen he doch not doc that himlelfe, which heapproueth in ano- ther, and he will fay hee cannot. Of which his inability, though he can give many reafons, yet the true caufe is,be- Bernar. toper caufe his golden idoli, and his owne auarice will not (offer Cant. ter. zt. him So that he is not a freeman, nor mailer of chofe things which he doch polfelfe, bccaufe they are not at his difpo- fing; he is not Lord ofhis molly, buta icruant, anda iaylor rather then an owner. Yea hauing n ade gold his god, by lo- ving, trolling, and hoping in it, bee abllaineth from tou- ching it, and from imploying it to common vie, as though he feared to commitfacriledge againfl his Idoll; and can as cafily be pel fwaded to breake his bones as his bags, and to teare offa peece ofhis flefh,or maime a member,as to com- municate any part of his whole fummes to charitable vies. Yea as though he had received fome fpeciall charge from his Soueraigne, the negleft whereof fhould he punished with death ( euen when himfelfe (lands in need ofncceffa- ries, wanting either clothes for his backe, or food for his belly) he dare not touch his full bagges;and as if they were not his owne, but the goods of ffrangers committed to his cuflody,he dare not diminifh them, Jell he should 6c con. 5ena.eplit.; demned of theft.ln which rcfpec the couctous miler is truly tag. faid to be polfeffed of riches rather then to poffetTe them, hauing them asa prifoner bath his keeper, which feemech to waite and attend vpon him as his feruant; when as in truth (leis his iaylor, who will not Puffer him to goeany where, but whither hee pleafeth : Ot as a man is laid to haue an Ague, whereas it rather bath him : or as he is laid to haue a chaine who is bound with it,which enthralleth & captiueth him,and whilefl he bath kin his keeping,is alto kept of it,fo as he can neithermoue nor (lirre, but onely to farrcas it giueth himliberty. 65. Sea .9, By all which itappeareh,that he who fetteth his heart vp That the /ersi- on his richcs,is by them of an owner,madeondy a keeper, and