Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

which worldly thing: hing to their owners, 73 and ofa matler,a feruant. Neither is this any light fubieeti tub of world- on,or rafieferuitudc,but about all other Ilauery moll gree- land, to tisen uous and intollerable: for this earthlymammon, and that rid esismoft greedy diuell ofvnfatiableauarice,like crucll tyrants weare grreuoua. and confume the ftrength oftheir deuoted valláls,with car- king carer,refllelhe feares,and toilefome labors; they make them to trauell ouer (ea and land,to worke night and day,in the cold ofwinter, and in the heat cffumrner, toexpofe themfelues to innumerable dangers, and to runne with ex- treme hazard of their hues moli defperate courses, and all to get or increafe their riches.In all which indeuors,ifthey happen any whit ro faile, and fulláine any bile, notwith- (l.anding all their labour, their cruell mailers fet all thefe bifes on their fcores,making them to pay for all that is roil- carried, with the penanceof bitter feares, and hearty griefe. And whereas the hardeft mailers(infer their feruants to re- frcfh themfelues with telling in the night,that they may be more fit for the next daies labour ; thefe much more trued then they, doe to continually haunt them with cares and feares, that though they goe to bed, they can take no re(i : for as the Wife man faith, The abundance ofthe richwi/I not Ecclef.5 rt: faller him tofleepe. And as they hinder them oftheir fleepe, fo alfo they skant and miferably pinch both their backes Auarith:dard and bellies,and after their intollerable labours, keepe them demina,non from inioying the fruit oftheir labours, and fuffer them not fa`e fcrufos to cue till they be fatisfied,norto weare fo many clothesas edere:e a_. will keepe them warme. And howtoeuer they haue abun- dance in their keeping, yet will they ICt them haue scarce any thing in vfe; and polfeffing much, they haue nothing in fruition. Wherein they may fitly bee compared to fuch Wards,whohauing a little too greatpolI'effions,die in their ward(hip,and neuer come tothe vfe ofthcir lands:or to the Patriarches lacks, which hauing in them both corne and mony, had nofurthervfcofeither, but to bee worne outin keeping them. In which refpcc`t, the miter and flaue of wealth isfaid,nottobench, but,as it were rich, becaufe in his abundance his Idoli and auarice keepe him poore. So the Wife man faith;that tbere ù tba: maketh himfelfe rich,and Pro.' 3,7, bath