Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

73'2 Ofthe eiaiáewils hash aotkixg; awl that maketb hianfelfe poor', bassist great Litk. t4.í1. riches: becaufe, though he haue much in poireilion, yet he Ecclef q. to hath nothing in vfe.: and therefore (as one obferucth)well might the. couctous man who had bought the farme fay, that he went to fee it,fecing as the.Wile manfaith,thcy haue no further vie of their wealth but tolookc vponit. Now what difference: is there betweene wanting it, and thus ha- uing it, Peeing they haue their riches no otherwifc then the Phorcides had their eye,which (in a pocticallfEtion, mora lized by there milers) arc faide to haue kept it locked vp in a box, where as they in the meane timegoing abroad, Stobzusser, were ready to fall into the pits and ditches for want of fight, 97.roms. till at !alt by force it was taken from them. Finally, where as good mailers (pare theirferuants in theirold age, letting them take Come refit after their painful! labours, and after faithful! feruice performed, make them free men, and let them at liberty: contrariwife, there cruel! tyrants neuer fa. Limn their bondflaucs, but the more faithful! feruicc they haue done them, the more heauy burthens theyimpofe vpon them : neither will they euer fuller them to come out of their apprentilhip, and to roil from their drudgery ; but cuen when they are old and decrepit, and (as itwere)haue onefooteatready in the graue,they flit! rurmoile them with feares and carking cares, and make them to trudgeon cue. rie bafc arrand which promifeth gain,when they cannot go without a llaf e. And that which is worn oÇall, they daily fpend and tire them, notonly inpainfull but alto in finfu!l feruiccs,making thé molt vnconfcionablyto lie,ditlemble fweare, & forfwcare, deceiue with fraud, and oppreffe with crueltic, all withwhom they deale; and that when they are ready to leauc the world,indangeringthéfelucs in molt de- fperate manor to eternal deflrutlion, & that for no further profit in rcfpeét oftheirowne vie, but that they may haue a name to haue left much to their heires and executors. And therefore Peeing this worldly wealth, immoderately loucd,doth bring it owners into this cruel] feruitude,lerthis fcrue to weane our hearts from this cxcef iue loue. For . (as one faith) wee,are moft.maiers dour riches, when we leali