Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
which worldly thingsbring to their owners. 733 !call couet them ; and where as couetous men by greedy 4aarun terra. hungring'after them, doe thew themiel ues bale beggers,and na a fnrir ve drudging feruants; che faithiull by contemning thew, m ap-mrndicets,fi- roue themfelues to be theirmailers and true owners; the drla conrem- p nit lido beggeth in keeping them, the other kcepeth in con- nee, ;die poi. temning them. Neither let any man excufe his greedyaua- denao mendi- rice in pinching his backeand belly for the loue of his gol- cat, ifie con_ den idol!, by pretending his charge of children; for God tennendo(er. neuer taughtan to rob himfelfe, to enrich his children, rn y fuper todepriue himfelfe ofnecelfaries,that hee maylcaue ca. Serm.zt. vnto them luperfluities, wherewith they may play the prodigals in riotous (pending them, as their predecef- fors haue plaíed the wretched miters, in greedy gathering them; for theLordgiueth his giftes to bee enioyed by thole vpon whome hee belloweth them ; and would haue that alone laid vp for poflerity, which may be honeflly andchrtllianly (pared from natural!, ciuill, and religious vies, taking vpon himfelfe the care of prouiding for po- fierity, when their predecetfors cannot bylawfull means lay vp for them fuflltcient plenty. Againe,letthem remem- ber, that God hath not giuen them children to bee caufes or excufes oftheir couctou[ielre, and therfore when they thus abufe them, as occalions to increafe their auarice, they may iullly feare, that God in his difplcafurc will take them away, that Co depriuing them of thefe figge-Itaues of vaine excufes , their couetoufneffe may lie open and naked, when as it (}ill c'óntinueth as raging -and violent as it was before. For that children are hot the true mi- tts of their greedyfcraping, it may appeare, in that many who haue them, are liberal]; and many who want them, moll wretchedly miferable ; Come being neuer wearie of gathering, who haue but few or none, and Come laying vp but little, who haue a great many; whtreby it appea- reth,that it is not care of their chddréwhich maketh them thus greedy in Ccraping, but theinfatiable difeafeof their ós adpopmil. mind which tormenteth them with hunger, if they bee not Tom.r. continually feeding it with new fupplies. Finally,voluptuous pleafutes,when men Cct their hearts §. Sett, to, vpon
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