Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

734 Of the Cjuilleurlr rbat veluptu vpon them, make them office men to become vaf1als and ruepteafsrec feruants,fpen ding all their thoughts,flrength, and time,ei- make men to ther in procuring,or ìnioying them, if at leali they may be become flaw laid to inioy that, which in tnoft tyrannous manner cloth and jeruants. inthrall and ouer -rule them : for they are content to lofe their liberty to haue their delight. They let all afide,which may either concerne their credit or profit, thatthey may ferue theitlufls, and cannot fo well be faid to buy pleafures to pleafe their carnall appetites,aswholly to fell thewíélues ouer vnto pleafures, not caring to bee their flaues, fo they tnayinioy their company. And th us the glutton is a feruant to his own belly, &the drunkard to his filthy appetite,fpen- ding all their time in furndhing and feeding at full tables, .and in procuring and drinking delicate wines, and molt pleating drinks.The which mailers they ferue with Inch fer- uile obedience, that the Apolile doubteth not to call them belly - gods, feting they not oncly haue all their fcruice both of body and mind, but alto performed with all deuo- tion. And thus alío the whoremafler becommeth a flaue, notonely to his filthy lull, which maketh him tonegleft all duty toGod,his neighbour,and himfelfe,and not caring for health, perfon, nor ellate, to runnc at the command of his concupifcence into all delperate dangers ; but alfo be. commeth a moll flauifh feruant to his harlot, beingwholly at her command, running when iheappointeth,comrning whenfhecalleth, going away when thee biddeth, gluing when the asketh, and fedi ing when (be threatneth. Neither is this feruitude to worldiy pleafures and our ownevoiup- tuoufnefTelight,or the culls few which they caufe vnto vs : for no encmie can be to tyrannous, or bring vpon any fo many and greeuousmifchiefes, as thefe carnall pleafures, when once they haue got men into their thraldome and fubieftion. For they doe not onely hold the body in mo(lcruell bondage, making it to spend it felfe,confume it farength,and expoing it to innumerable ficknetfesand dif- cafes, butalfo tyrannize ouer the foule, infatuating thevn- derflanding,and fo captiuing the will, heart, and affeh- ons,thac they are in loùc with their feruitude, and doe not fo