Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

which wordythings bring to their owner', 73:5 to much as&tire to be let at liberty, but being made flug- gifh and flothfull with this fpirituall lethargic, they forget the ¡oyes of heauen, and that true happineffe of reafona -- ble creatures , and take all their delight and content - tnene in wallowing themfelues like filthy (wine , in the (linking puddle of carnal! pleafures. The which ma. keth the (dare of wordly epicures del-pet-ate and remediletre b: caufe they are in loue with their difeafes, and hate the me dicines whereby they might be cured. And as it is raid of Yly,ffir retinue, th a hauìng drucke thole impoifoned cuppes. which C :reef had prepared for them, and being by them tranftormed into beans, they were fo in loue with their bru- tal) condition, that they would not againe bee tranfformed into men : fo there worldly Epicui es,(in whom this is true - ly moralized )being by this notorious witch ofcarnall plea- lures infatuated in their vndertiandings, and turned into beafts, are fo delighted with this brutifh cftare , that they cannot be perfwaded to leave their bruufhnef e, and to hue a, becommeth reafonable men,& much leife as it befeemeth the calling of Chrilttans. And as it is laid of the Torpedo fifli,rhat itis"offuch a povfouous &venemousnature,that if it but conch the line of him that angleth, the poyfon is therby derluedto the rod, and from thence to the hand,,whereby he is prefently fo thipified and benummed that he lofeth his flrength, and the vie ofiiis I mines : fo when there poifonous pleafures doe bur get the left acquaintance, and as it were but tcuch voluptuous minds, they are not onely made bru -' nth, but euenfobenummed and fenfles, that they haue no power to moue inany good: anion. The which retnidileffe bond:; a of worldly Epicures, one expreflèrh after this ma- ster : D:,ea:thou (faith he)'hinke thofefreemcn, or cleare from dïfeafes, whome pleafures haue barbaroufly bound. and enthralled? why, though they haue not a chame toy tie them, yet their owns luxurioufntff'e holdeth them raft in bonds with vnauoidahlc tenacity; and being fallen into H..eron.e ifs: the &Hares of beaftly pleafures, (as the bird catched by the ad zerotúrta: fubtletyor the fowler) the more they labour and (trine to amicurn. efeape, the more they are entangled and enfnared. So that Tom.a. if