Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
736 Of theCreillectils ifany man would recajnc his prenons liberty, hee mull carefully suoide the inimodcrate loue of carnal! delights, Agc(iaus'a- and euen lop his cares again( the bewitching tunes of pud Plur, in thefepleafing Syrens, that hce bee not allured & caught thegm.Apo- in thisvnrecouerablethraldom.And if withim ortunit ehegm.l.r. P Y a prefent of voluptuouspleafuresbe forcedvpon vs; let vs with the wife Emperour not keepe them from our felues, & the vfc ofothers,whom wedefire to continue in a generous and freedtfpotition: but carelefly cal thema- way to bee enjoyed by firth Helots and Manes, as are of a bale qualitie and feruile nature, as better befeeming them, then fuch as profeffe the glorious liberty of the fonnes ofGod. Efpecially,eonf,deringthatastheytakea- way the freedomeofinen, fo much more the liberty of Chrillians, making them to becometheferuants of (inne, and (laues offathan;and confequently vtterly vnable to do feruicevnto God:forthey who are addiftedtovolupruous pleafures,are ready to attain vnto the fnful fruition ofthé, Debit totem by negleaing allgood duties which they owe vnto God, uobisindixere and to fall into any finne which will bring delight : and fo delitie, & by continuall culome, theirpleafures doefo weaken and quoddis nots- feazevpon them,that thofethingswhich formerly they did ,mue, pefede.. ofsill,are now forced vpon them by vrgentneceflitie,they fiuinus. Sa bein vtterl vnable to doe an otherwife. And therefore net. epil}.g6. g Y Y to conclude this point, ifwe would notlofe theliberty both of men and Chrillians, and fubieft our felucs to a feruile elate, and moll flauifh condition, let vs not fit our hearts vpon, nor immoderatelyloue thefe worldly vanities, but vfing them as though wee vied them not, let vs (land fall in that liberty wherewith Chrilbathfctvs free, and place ouraffettions vponthe fweete and comfortable graces of Gods holy fpirit, and the eternall ioyes of his heauen- g Serf. I i, ly kingdome, wherein wee (hall bee honoured, enriched, That aban- and delighted, without any impeachment to our freedome däce ofwoïtd- and liberty. tytbsngs bring The fourth euill which abundance of thefe worldly t ed to their thingsbringeth,is,that they expofe thofe that haue them ro owners. themute and hatred of thofe who areabout them: for fu- per-
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