Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

Oftheciuil ear Which worldly things bring to their onmers.737 periours fpite at them becaufe theycome fo neere them,and interims enuie them becaufe they are preferred before thë, and equals hate them, becaufe they are matched by them; whereas they ought (as felfeloue maketh them beleeue) to haue had great preheminence : which maligning fpirc,and fretting conic continue fo long, as they continue in their worldly happineffe; neither is there any imams to be freed from them, but by lofing their .profperi tie and becomming miferable. Thus the higher a man is aduanced in honors and 41:ògtoriama preferments, the more commonly he is maligned, and the tereopropiorin- greater his glorie is, the greater.alfo is his enuie. Ycaand vidia. that which is worfiofall, chofe often who are honoured with outward complement, as cap and knee only, haue ward grudgesborne them from the very heart, and though they haue but falfe glorie,yet they haue for it true enuie.Thc which is more bitter and fpitefull, if their ambition where- by they haue raifed themfelues vp, haue plainly appeared in their afpiring. For (as,one faith) ambitionwhen it breaketh Bernard. ad E. out into impudencie cloth lofe his eflicacie, and when this p`COP Aq"'r wicked affeElion groffely appeareth,it taketh no effe&i. And epif527* therefore ambition beingthe mother of hypocrite, Both loue fecret corners, and as impatient of the light,it lurketh in darkneffe : but when it lieth lowefi it looketh highefi.; like one in thebottome ofa well both dark and deepe, who is better inabled hereby to fee the highefi liars,with a quick and firongtgbt,then theywho (land on the top ofa fleeple. For the ambitious man knoweth,that if bee haue many wit - neffes who are able to glue tcliimonie of his pride, it is the next way to hinder him of his defired honours, teeing the more glorie is of fe6led,the leffe it is apprehendedand obtai- ned, when the affectation is difcerned : for thereis nothing more inglorious, then to afpire vnto glorie. An example whereof wehaue in the Apoliles lames and John: For howfo- Luke s as q. tuerthe refs were fo ambitious, that there was a great firife Macth240.144 amongfl them who fhouldbe greate(l,yet becaufe the afpi- ring ambition of there two brethren did more grofly break out in their fuit made to our Sauiour,to fit on his righthand, .and his left in his kingdome; they hereby expoled them- B b b felues