Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
740GFtbs citedeu %1t mriich worldly thingr6ringto their oamene. one hailing them wholly to hiinCelfe, and by vertue oftheir perfeôi loue inioying them wholly in curry one of their fel- low flints and brethren. So that ones fruition of there glo- rious ioyes,is fo Carte from procuring anothers wanr,and co- nic voto themfclues; that the more they are in number, the more their ioyes are multiplied; for the more they lone, the more their ioyes are increafed,and the more they are increa- fed by this communion,rhe more theylone. 4sef I2. The fifth euill accompanying thefe earthlythings, is,that as they procure feerer enuie, fo aifo they are the common That w:rr&1Y caufcs of open emnitie,difcord and contention; and that not thingsare tbe P cai4 of all em_ only betweene firangets, but eucnthe dearefffriends,and nitte and dif neere(I kinred ; brother (hIling out withbrother, and the fa- o,d. ther with the childe, when this boneofworldly vanities, as the matter of contention,is call antongilthem. So the Apo - Iames 4.r. file lames fäith,that warres,contentions, and bitter enuying one another,procced from thefe carnali lufis,which fight in the members ofgreedie worldlings, whereby one coueteth that which another enioyeth, and are filled with couic and indignation, when they fade oftheir delire. For when men haue fet their hearts on there earthly trifles, and haue made them their idols, lotting them more dearely then 1onathan Druid, yea then the faluation of their:owne foules;then all inferio:ir loves muff needs giue place, and when they crofï'e: the other are turned into fpite and hatred. And from hence it commeth that worldhngs are readie to lofe their friends, for the getting of thcfe worldly vanities,to negiel all du- tics which they owe to kinred and acquaintance,whcn they hinder their hopes, and will not handwith their carnal! de- fires; to circumuent them by fraud and deceit, offer wrongs and iniuries, iniuflice,and all kinde ofopprefïion, that they may by diminìfhing their efiate increafe their owne, and feaze into their hands as a prey thofe things which they thus dearely loue. Which when the other,who affect them as much as they,doe once difcerne andperceive, they become mortall foes, burning in hatred and delire of reuenge, and defending their owne with all theirpower,as much now for hatred of them who would rob them oftheir iewc1s,,
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