Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

Of the eiailcuiú which worldly thing'6ring to theirotrxerf.74t jewels, as for the loue which they beare to thefe things chemfelues. As then this loue of earthly things, doth take a- way that communitie , which fhould be among friends; vvhilefteucry one delireth to haue a proprietie in the things which he affeaeth,both in refpe't of their poffeffìon,and al- fo of their fruition and vfe ; fo doe they with eagernes, pro- portionable to thislouc,defend this proprietie; and becaufe their right is fometime ambiguous, and doubtfull in it kite, and fometime in their opinion only(felfeloue caftinga vaile before their eyes) ; they fall into emnitie and contention, both challenging a right and propriety vnto thethings they loue. Which contentions and vnfriendlybrawles can no o- 2thifindecnu_ them ife be auoided,then either by not having, or immode- de r}ix eß,nt +s rarly loving the niter or occaliou of their diIcord. Thus eimpeeitares. honours are the caufes ofernnity among{} men,whilefl they Scnec.cpiftìr4- thine who (hall haue them, or detract from one anothers praife,or do not giuc expe6ted co.nmendations;or are ready tofupplant their beflrefpeaed friends when they Rand in their way,and hinder their riling; not flicking to vfe al fraud and deceit, lying and difhembimg, nor to commit any out - rage,wronging and oppreffrng,killing and deflroying,thofe who being ouerthrowiie, may inrich them with theirglo- rious fpoyles ; or doe by their (landing againfl them keepe them back from enioying theirambitious defies. Wherein they make no difference offriendfhip or kinred ; for if once they be poffeffed and haunted with this proud furie,they are readie to make warre again(lthetrowmebrethren,toouer- throw chef rfamil ie , and profe(fe open emnitie againf} their owne fathers,ifthey doe but flop them in their eagerpttrfùie p potes v>rani- of honour and preferment. So alío what fo great caufe is mes armare in there of emnitie and contention, as worldly riches? which pr,ehafeattes'P being immoderatly loved, do caufe men to offer any wron ßr9 dire io ver- or intone vnto their neighbours,which mayfurther them to'' fOrario tunonis the fruition of that which they fo much affe&}. For whileft as Air o,apud all defire to haue them in abundance, andin refpeét of their vuga.t uctd< limitted quantitie theymull of necettitie be but in the poi. bb.7. feflìonofafew, hence it isthat they continually thine and concend,whta fball haue the.preh eminence-offeazing vpon, Bbb ; and