Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

Of the cited emits tYhichworhhy thingsbring t o their oW7Mr.r.745 death of a good leader is more defired by his enemies, then of his whole companie : and the life ofthe king or general( ofthe field is more fought for, then ofhalfe the armie.. And as the skilfull archer cloth not make choice of the leafl and dimmer marke (or though hee Ihould, were not like to hit it) but ofchatwhichtisfaireft-and brighteft,becaufe it fee- meth to incite the eye, and to giue vnto him force hope of hitting: and as thecunning markemanletteth pafhe the raf- call deere, and leuelleth his killing arrow at the fatten in the heard; fo the more flourifhing a mans efface is,and the more goodly (hew he maketh in the eies ofinen, the fairer marks he is for mifchiefe to (hoot at,and the likelier he is to be hit, and deadly wounded with the piercing arrowes of armed enuie and powerful( malice; feeing like the glowworme he is readie in the night of danger to difcouer himfelfe with his owne remarkeablebrightneffe, fo as hce cannot flie the pur- filer, but lighteth as it were acandle for the deflroyer to find him. So that a mans life and flare is neuer in more danger of being etlipfed, then they are in the full ofprofperitie ;. nor he euer more in perill to be catched and the nets of mifchiefe, then when bee is fecurely preying vpon thefe alluringbaites. Forhe bath many corrivals in his lone, whowould willingly by his death make a paffage for their ptriculasé eN- hopes;and he cannot want dangerwho enioyethalone,that fioditurquod which is defired of many ;-feeingtheleue of his eflare pro -, 1tjsplacer. cureth hatred tohimfe lfe.To which purpofe one faith, that "q"idno all chofe temporoll benefits with. which the world feemeth bu temporridet P mundu+arridet. topleafure his fanocrites,_are rather dangerous filares tomatisefi peri- catch vs, then ornaments to adorne vs ; in which who fore- odalisque's; fleth and repofeth any- confidence, bath more pride, then ornamentum caufe offecurity. And as thefe worldly things doe expofevs Sets 3Aug. m to the affault, and layvs open to the wounds of enemies; fo when they doe flrikeand pierce vs with their enuenomedtndiuitgsqui arrówes, chefs wounds which they make are more deg erequiefcirmia_ and defperate . For whereas a man lofeth a fmall eflarewitthg`slàperbus af: fmall griefe,becaufe there is but little loffe and that eafil ficurus. g Y/ecnrus. Aug. repaired and recouered ; thefe great eftates being ruineddeCatechia:: bring alfo.greatforraw_;becaufe there ismuch loffe,an et no rudib.cap.t6. . hope