Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
74.6Of the citedtwi s,w6icbworldlytbingtbrisgto their owners. hope ofrifing and reuiuing lefr,feeing they haue had fo deep a downefall,from fo loftie and high aflanding. And as they hazard vs to be fpoiled ofour lines and liberties by open e- nemies; fo they much more endanger vs to more fecret and pernicious foes, pleating parafites, and fmoothing fatte- rers;cchofefpeeches deliuered by falfhood, and receiucd with felfe- loue,tend to the robbing vs ofall vertue, and fpi- rituali grace, and to the virer defirut4ion both of our fouler and bodies; for it is this honie of worldly profperity which inticeth thefe hungrie flies to come vnro vs; which whilefl they fucke, they defile vs with their flatteries, and emptie vs ofall good, that they may fill their owne bellies §.Set!.tq. Whereby it appeareth, that thefe worldly things which That honours men fo fondly affc Et, doe not free them from dangers, but are accompani. rather expofe them to innumerable perils both open and vi- ed with many oient, and fuck alfo as are trecherous and lècret; which wee danger. jhall yet more plainely difcerne if wee confider fome parti- culars. For who feeth not that thole who are aduanced to the highell pitch of honours, are daily indangered to the In ;ma quiia- greatef& downefals? and whereasthey who Rand on the eet,nen ex alto plaine ground, are not likely to fall ; or ifthey doe, fuflaine cadit. no hurt; they who are caried to thotop of the high pinacle of Preferment, cannot falle their footing, but they are in- dangered by a grieuous fall to bee mortally bruifed. Vnto which they are daily fubie6f, both through hatred which menbeate to their perfons,and for their loue to their places and preferments; for ouertopping all their inferiours with fleme pride, and by their commanding and oucrruling po- wer forcing in them awefullrefpe&; by being thusferuilely feared, they alto find caufe of fearing, hauing endangered themfeluesto all whom they hauewronged by pride,tyran- NxUMtimex- ,nie, and i /iuflict,whowatchbutforaday,and fit opporte- diatrulireau- nitieofpra&&i fine, cruel reuengc. Or if they haue no quarrel fns ec.c poi. to their perlons, yet theloue which they beare to their ho- Senec.epi(t. p y 54. pourable preferments, maketh them willing, and ready to fitpplant and ouerthrow them, when as they conceiue but the leaf+hope ofrifingby their fall. In refpeEt whereof they who areaduanced to thefe high places are fitly compared to thole, t,
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