Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Of the cirtileudr,wbicb >berldly tbiegs drileg to their elbnerr,747 thofe,who with great labour and difficulty chmbe vp to the top offome high promontory,and fleepe rocke; where they are not onely in danger of falling, by their owne Hips, but allo are expofed to !formes and tcmpefls,andendangered to be flrucken and blafled with thunder and lightning. For daily arc they in peril ofperifhing by fecret confpiracies, or open violence, like vino loftie turrets in the time ofa liege, which arc either bane, ed by force, as being the faireft mark for the canon to play vpon, or vndermined with fubtiltie. For in the time of trouble and common calamity,theie great potentates haue the fame priuiledge that high trees haue in the furious foorme, which are through their height íhtowd- ly fhaken, ifnot quite ouerturned and rooted vp, when the low (lambs are out ofdanger; or that which great filla haue abone the lade frie,wh6 they arc taken in the fame net,who are refereed for the dreffer,being fit to feed vpon.& to bene- fit the taker; whereas the final! ones are call againe into the water, becaufe theyare vnprofitableand oflittle worth. An t,K¡t,e,zf example whereof wee haue is Zedcch :ah,who being oucr- 7.1 t. corne,had his looses faire before his face, and afterwards sedatllaace- his eyes put our, and carted into ca tiuitie when the poorer nits bibanrur Y P P P frChlibus:tunc fort of people were let at libertie, and left behin .l to dreffe d a rime the vincs,and cliche land. And in the time ofpeace andfeen- cum peculi fu- ritie, when trecherie is plotting, and rebellion intended, mes gemmata, they haue the royal! prerogatiue of drinking fir! 'r,ifnota - &latesai- lone,of o Toned cups. Neither are thefe deadly potions rum arden. P Y P Y P ar,ro.iuuen. drunke out ofearthen pots, or wooden difhes; but out of filuer plate,or cups of gold. The like al fo may be laid ofriches and abundance, which 4.Seîl.ás, are fo far from fecuring their owners from dangers;that they That riches more then any thing elfe expofe them to them. For they are brrngwith them the hoped hire,and inticing baits, which encourage and al- manydangers. lure theemes, flanderers, and powerful! oppreffors in the Di4iti ae le le. time of peace to fpie all aduantages, and to bend all their ísras fedetiúa- policie,mightand malice againa thole who abound with ram, plenieres them ;that bringing them to dellru &ion, they may make foe periculorx "; their goods a prey,not flicking at all to kill theirbodie, that Augull. in theymay feaze vpon their golden fleece. And as the wá fee roro'io Bans..
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