Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

74.8 Of the cisil euils which worldly things bring to their Anent; and butcher doemake t.hoice ofthe fatteft of the flocke; fo both the decciuer and the dcflroyer chufe themwho haue the fatteW Hates, letting them palle by vntouched, who be- ing an vnprofitable prey,wil not helpe to enrichthe fpoilers; liabac.a.6.7. and therefore the Prophet pronounceth a woe againfl them who load them/dues weth tb:c1 clay, becauje they fhal rife vp fudden y that fha/1 deueure them; and atbae who ;hall /lirre and vex them; and they ¡hall be their prey. In which refped the optimum m "' Dore elate hath aboue the rich the priuiledge of fecuritie; lamentum do- p xnutpanpertas. for whereas they may fleepe foundiy, and without (care of gec, peril', in a lender built cot tage,hauing no other guardthen their ovine pouertie, and a doore latch, which they alfo vfe,rather to keepe out beat's and ill weather, then thceucs and robbers : they who abound with riches are neuer hh. out danger,orat leall feare offpoiling, though they ice un- der the cafe cuflodie of (lone wals, double doors , (bong lackes,bolts,and barres, which can neither be picked or put backe with cunning, nor yet broken with force ami vio- knee. And whereas the poore man being on the high way alone eucn in thedarkefl night,will fing merrily beforethe btudumlalco thiefe,becaufehispouerty hath procured his pafporr, and ranfmittit.: hadi made the robber either his friend topitiehim,oracare- tiamiuebfeffa leffe enemy, who therefore alone malignethhim,becaufe .viapauperi -pax hecannothaue a quarrell to his purfe; the rich canfcarce sß.Senece- .trauell at nonne day fecurely without companie; and ha- }tttt't4. uing this helpe to backe him, oftentimes bee groweth iea- lous and fearefull ofhis guard. Anders they thus draw dan- gers vpon them, fo when theycome, they make them lefl"e able to efcape them :for whereas poore men are alwaies in readineffe and fitly prepared for flight; hauing nothing elfe but thcmfclues to carric, and may got which way they will vnknowne andvnregarded, neuer troubling their heads in thinking what to carrie,or how to conuey it, but onely how they may efc ape ; the richer fort cannoefltrre but theyhaue many eyes to obferue them; and louing their wealth as well as their lines, they cannot find in their hearts to leaue it all behind them, though they doe not know how with any fafrty to difpofeofít, fccingcarvingitwithebemit isboth a clog