Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

Of the cited' milt which worldly things drink to their owners. 749 clog to hinder their flight, and a prong motiuc to caufe their enemies to purfitethem with greater eagerneflr.And as the {hip heauily laden with rich wares doth allure the pyrate to haue it in chafe, and is hindered alto with her heauie bur- then from making away from her cruell purfier, fo that it is impoifible to efcape; whereas another which hathno other waight bother owneballaifl,faifethby fwifilyand fecurely, hauing nothing in to inticc a robber; not giuiüg him a- ny hope of fetching her in with his bell fpeed : fo hee who hath little fleeth in time of danger cheerefully and fecurely, hauing neither thefegolden clogs to burthen his body; nor. care and griefe to opprc1£e his mind; fo as hec neither gro neth vnder his belouedload,nor greeueth for that which he bath left behind him : whereas he who hath worldly abun- dance is troubled with al thefe impediments; being turmoi led with hiscariages,and forrowing for that which he could notcarrie, and equally caring for that which lice hath loft, and for that which he (fill hath; -which though it be fo much ! that irbringeth toile to his body, and trouble to hismind, yet nothing grieueth him fo much,as that he bath not more Luc.16. de La caufe of toile and trouble. In refpeel of which difftculties,zarocones, that riches bring iu efcaping dangers one compareth rich. 10 ræos P a , p cah men to cities without wals,which haue abundance ofwcalth mihty, to allure the enemicro ÿ ipoile,but no flrength to make re- fiflance;orlikevnto thofe who being purfucd for their flues, doe flee away with long ropes tied to their legs,or with fide garments,which euery flep they are ready to treadvpon,and catch a fall; whereby their fpcedis hindred; and'tüey'be- trayed into their enemies hands. Whereas they who are but in a poore caste, like veto thofe who are naked or lightly clad, eafily flip out ofthe enemies -hand, when hee bath no- thing to hold by, and being efcaped, can haft away with nimblefpeed, Finally, voluptuous pleafures expofe men to innumera- g,Seîf.1ór ble dangers,whilef 'cthey arme ailagaina themwho are cor- That volaprn_ rivals with themin their delights; andallo make them leffe auspleafures are . ableco real and (land in their owne.defence, feeing they the taups of both weaken the bodyand- effeminate the mind, as before-I- "get* haue