Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Ofthe f fiirituall evilswhich accompanylborldlythings. 75r fet our hearts on thefe vanities, the gaine and aceef4e of them will not fo much adde to our outward eft-ate, as they detra& fromthe riches ofour foules ; neither will the carnali good they bring, in any proportion counteruaile the fpiritu- all harmes which attend vpon them. For firft, they choake the feed of the Word, and make it vnfruitfidl, from which alone the gifts and graces ofGods Spirit fpring .In which refpe& our Sauiour calleth riches thornes, which filling mens minds with worldly cares (as it were with fo many prickles and (harpe points) do choake this feed as faone as it fpringeth vp; and fuch thornes alfo are honors andworldly pleafures, when mens affe &ions are let vpon them. For thus are they to vs ofa thornie qualitie and nature, whilefl they catch and hold vs fait in worldly impioyments; fo as we can- not fregúent the aflemblies of the Saints to heare the word, ofGod, but when we are inuitcd to this heavenly banquet, we are readie to pretend excufes, like thole who were called to the Kings fupper : or el fe whtlefl being come within hea- ring, theymake vs with encombred Martha tonegle & the Luke te.41.42, word, and to embrace the world; and to fIóp our ea res a- gainfl all admonitions; as'the Lord complaineth of thepeo- ple of thelewes.l ff4e (faith he) veto thee when thenwaa in Ierem.zzst, pros eritie, but thou faideff I will not heare, this bath been thy mannerfrom thy youth,that ebetewbuldeFfnotobey my voice.So although the Prophet Ezechiel was an eloquent and power- full teacher ofGods word,fo that the people had no exeep- tions to' take againfl him, why they flaould not come to heare him; yet this immoderate loue of riches made their emitting altogether vnprofitable. For fo the Lord telleth him,that the people reforted vnto him, afterthe accuflomed manner, and did fit before him, and heare his words, but they Ezech.33.3 t. would not do them ; for ivith their menthes they made ieil s, and their heart didgo after t heir couetoeefnefe,Neither do they on- lydiflra &mens minds in hearing, fo as they cannot attend vnto that which is fpoken, but Win a deuouter fit they haue received any profitable inflru &ion; they prefently choake ir,and make it to be quite forgotten before it canb'e brought to any vieorpra &ife: yea iftke heart' be fittingly infe&èd with
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