Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
7 5 a O f the f f irituall exits :vhicb accompany worldly things. with the poyfon ofworldly couetoufnes, it will make men not only to negleöt, but euen to féorne thofe profitable admonitions which are deliuered in the minifterie,of the word, for the reforming of this and other vices i as we may fee in die example ofthe Scribes and Pharifies, who mocked Luke 6.14. and derided our, Saul our Chrift,whenhepetfw4ded them to the workes ofinercie,and thatthey should not do feruice to the ear rhly Mammon . Ohs abundance makkneìtvnf uitfull;í`odotheyconfequentlythe and dfpoile ofwildly vsofallthefenbìifying gifts, and fauii ggraces,ofGodhho- thingsinpeut- lySpirit, ifoisce weoueruaiue and fet our heart vponthem: rifhvrinGodr as for xample honorsambitioufl affetledand immoderat- fjirrtualgracer. y lyloued, do keepe all fauing graces from entring into our ' hearts ;or if thofe feeds be alreadie fowen in them,rheydo fo nip them, that they will neuerprofper, and floutifh :r for-the graffe ofGods graces,cannot grow, on the highmountaines of pride; neither will the water of Gods holy Spirit rea on the lofìie hits to make them fruitful!, but drfcends downe into the low valleycs o1hnmblcndcontrït.e beasts. And as a veffeil cannot be filled with wholefome oyleet, fweet wa- ter,butprefently theayre isdriuen out and giucth place : fo the hart ofman cannot be filled with the precious oyntment offani ifying grace, till the wind ofvaine gloriebe expel - Chryfoft. in led. To which purpote one faith, that as vaine glorie is the G :n.t.Hont.f. caufc ofniany culls, fo efpecially of this, chant cmnptieth the foule of all fpirituall riches, and dcpriueth -vs of the profit which we might take-bythem. As therefore the immoderate loue of worldly honors Both fwell the hearts of thofe that haue them with pride and vaine glorie ; fo.thefedropfie and corrupt humors,being once receiued,do prefently cook and drowne the vitall heate of Gods Spirit, and fo difable both . foule and bodie in all finely and fpirituall operations, that theycannot performe theworkes of godlines.So that fulnes ofpride argueth emptines ofgrace; and where there is much ,vaine glorie,thcrecertainly is little goodnes; for as addle -egges Rotealoft, when -the other which are good fincke to the bòttome; and as theemptiefl veffell giues the greateft sound,
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